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Welsh Government announces Renting Homes Wales Act implementation timings

Following the news that the Welsh Government has announced timings for the implementation of the Renting Homes Wales Act, the NRLA has published its response to this development.

Industry News Sam Hunter 12/01/2022
Welsh Government announces Renting Homes Wales Act implementation timings

Mediation can help beat the New Year blues

Insights and Opinions Mike Morgan 11/01/2022
Mediation can help beat the New Year blues

The complete guide to landlord liability insurance

Steve Barnes of NRLA partners Hamilton Fraser Total Landlord Insurance shares the complete guide to landlord liability insurance.

Helpful Tips Steve Barnes 04/01/2022
The complete guide to landlord liability insurance

Why are landlords exiting the PRS?

In November 2021 the London School of Economics (LSE) published a report commissioned by the NRLA. The purpose of this research was to look at the impact of tax policy on landlords. This blog looks at former landlords and why they have left the sector. The LSE researchers found the key reason is not Covid-19, but tax and other associated costs.

Deep Insight Aidan Crehan 15/12/2021
Why are landlords exiting the PRS?

How to present your case to an adjudicator: TDS tips should you end up in a deposit dispute

Helpful Tips Sandy Bastin 05/01/2022
How to present your case to an adjudicator: TDS tips should you end up in a deposit dispute

Blog: Landlords Needed for Building Safety Bill

We need NRLA members with experience of ownership and letting units in mid or high-rise properties to volunteer to share their knowledge and understanding of the challenges facing similar landlords.

Industry News Chris Norris 22/12/2021
Blog: Landlords Needed for Building Safety Bill

Report lays bare impact of tax hikes on rental market

Over half of private landlords responding to a new survey conducted by the LSE on behalf of the NRLA say recent tax changes in the rental market have had a negative impact on their investment plans.

Industry News Sam Hunter 20/12/2021
Report lays bare impact of tax hikes on rental market

London School of Economics highlight tax barriers faced by landlords

The LSE report Private Landlords and Tax Changes reviews the treatment of landlords in the PRS here against their peers in other developed economies. The authors conclude the UK tax system is increasingly hostile to UK landlords. This is in contrast to tax systems in many other developed economies.

Deep Insight Nick Clay 20/12/2021
London School of Economics highlight tax barriers faced by landlords

LSE pinpoint landlords' tax disadvantage

The NRLA commissioned the LSE to draw out the implications of recent tax changes and the Covid pandemic for the private rented sector. The study also benchmarks the tax demands placed on landlords compared to their peers in other developed economies. Mainly as a result of changes since 2015, the authors conclude about the taxation system: "[It] now lies at the ungenerous end of the spectrum...of landlord tax regimes."

Special Report Nick Clay 20/12/2021
LSE pinpoint landlords' tax disadvantage

NRLA responds to new Welsh Government announcement on notice periods

Following the Welsh Government's decision to extend the six month notice period regulations introduced at the start of the pandemic until 24 March 2022, the NRLA has issued its response to this news.

Industry News Sam Hunter 20/12/2021
NRLA responds to new Welsh Government announcement on notice periods