Articles by Alexandra Williams
FAQs on property adaptations
There is a growing demand for adapted properties. With an ageing population, and an increased share of total housing stock, private landlords need to be ready to cater for a wider range of needs than they traditionally have.
What is next for energy efficiency in the private rented sector?
With the Green Homes Grant scheme scrapped early, landlords have been left asking what is next for energy efficiency in the sector. As deadlines for ambitious targets loom ever closer, campaigns officer Alexandra Williams takes a look at NRLA recommendations for workable solutions.
Blog: Renters' Reform and the Queen's Speech - what's next for landlords?
What does the recent Queen’s Speech mean for the Renters’ Reform Bill? What will the upcoming white paper contain? Can we expect the Bill this year?Campaigns Officer Alexandra Williams looks at what we can expect to see.
Blog: Renters' Reform Bill Spotlight: Student lets
What do the NRLA Renters' Reform Bill proposals say about student landlords? Here campaigns officer Alexandra Williams takes a deep dive into the issues and potential solutions.
Renters' Reform Bill Spotlight: Possession grounds and grounds for selling
What are the new proposed possession grounds? How can I gain possession if I want to sell my property? What happens if the property doesn't sell? These are just some of the questions coming in from members, following the publication of our Renters' Reform Bill proposals. Here campaigns officer Alexandra Williams takes a deep dive into the issues surrounding conciliation and court reform and how the NRLA believes our proposals could operate to benefit landlords and tenants.