Partners and Suppliers Mark McAuley 02/05/2023

Advice: how to protect your rental properties from boiler breakdown emergencies

As a landlord, it’s important to keep your rental properties in good condition and to ensure your tenants have a safe and comfortable living environment. Here Jon Tweats of NRLA partner Your Repair shares some expert advice when it comes to preventing boiler breakdown emergencies.

One of the most essential components in your rental property is the boiler, as it provides heating and hot water for your tenants. Unfortunately, boilers can break down unexpectedly, which can be both inconvenient and expensive to repair. Here, we provide you with some advice on how to protect your properties from unexpected boiler breakdown emergencies and prevent the likelihood of any mishaps…

1. Conduct regular maintenance

One of the best ways to prevent boiler breakdowns is to have your boiler regularly serviced by a qualified professional on an annual basis. A qualified engineer from YourRepair will be able to identify any potential issues and make the necessary repairs before they become more serious. By having your boiler serviced annually, you can ensure that it is running efficiently and safely for you and your tenants.

2. Install carbon monoxide detectors

Carbon monoxide is a colourless and odourless gas that is produced by faulty boilers. If your boiler is not working properly, it can emit dangerous levels of carbon monoxide, which can be deadly. By installing carbon monoxide detectors in your rental properties, you can alert your tenants to the presence of the gas and take immediate action to rectify the situation.

3. Educate your tenants on how to use the boiler

Make sure that your tenants know how to use the boiler and what to do in the event of an emergency. Provide them with clear instructions on how to turn off the boiler and the gas supply in the event of a gas leak. Also, make sure that they know the contact details of a qualified engineer who can be called in case of an emergency. This is where YourRepair can help - check out our plans and get covered today.

4. Consider getting boiler insurance

Boiler breakdowns can be expensive to repair, especially if they happen frequently and that tends to happen the older they get. Consider taking out boiler insurance to protect yourself against unexpected costs. This will give you peace of mind knowing that any repairs or replacements will be covered by your policy from YourRepair.

In summary, protecting your rental properties from boiler breakdown emergencies requires regular maintenance, installing carbon monoxide detectors, educating your tenants and considering boiler insurance. By following these steps, you can help ensure that your tenants are safe and comfortable, and that your rental properties are well-maintained and profitable.