Industry News Eleanor Bateman 13/12/2023

Time’s ticking: Make sure your MP doesn’t waste their opportunity to shape the future of the private rented sector

The Renters (Reform) Bill will reach its ‘report stage’ in the House of Commons in the New Year – the final chance for MPs to amend the Bill before it is passed to the House of Lords. Write to your MP to urge them to support our recommendations on how the Bill must be modified to safeguard the private rented sector.

The Renters (Reform) Bill’s time in the House of Commons is nearly at an end, but not before one final, pivotal chance for MPs to shape its content. Having been examined and amended by the Bill Committee, the legislation now makes its way back to the floor of the House, where MPs can propose further changes. Unlike at committee stage, report stage allows all MPs to express their views and consider the Bill as a whole.  

The Bill has come a long way and the NRLA has fought hard to ensure a balance between flexibility for tenants and certainty for landlords. Nevertheless, the legislation still lacks some critical measures that are needed to enable landlords to operate with confidence. These include a moratorium on tenants serving notice in the first six months of a tenancy and clarity on implementation. You can read more about the changes we are calling for here.

We have been engaging tirelessly with ministers, officials, parliamentarians, and industry stakeholders to secure the modifications we need. Many of you have also highlighted your concerns with your MPs, for which we are extremely thankful. But we need your help to urge MPs to seize their final opportunity to shape the Bill before it heads to the Lords.  

We have produced two, editable letter templates outlining the key measures still needed in the legislation and encourage you to use them to outline the issues to your MP. The NRLA is the unified voice for landlords, but MPs need to understand how the reforms are likely to impact their constituents, so it is vital that you spell-out to them exactly what’s needed from a local perspective. 

While a date for report stage has not yet been set, it is likely to be early in the New Year. This is your MP’s final chance to propose an amendment and we need as many MPs as possible to support our recommendations.

So, if you need five quiet minutes away from the frivolities of the next couple of weeks (or even if you don’t), please do contact your MP and give our campaign to safeguard the private rented sector a final boost.  

Eleanor Bateman

Eleanor Bateman Senior Campaigns and Public Affairs Officer

Ellie joined the NRLA to progress its campaigning and public affairs work. Having spent six years working in town planning, Ellie became an ‘accidental landlord’ and went on to hold roles in the sales and lettings industry, both in agency and in policy and lobbying. She has amassed a wealth of experience in her 15 years working in housing at national and local levels and is passionate about making sure the needs and benefits of the private rented sector are fully recognised by Government.

See all articles by Eleanor Bateman