Property Magazine - Have your say to win

With a customer satisfaction rating of 96% and a packed awards cabinet, we are rightly proud of our members’ magazine Property.

We aim to provide all you need to know to run a compliant and profitable business, as well as sharing member stories and taking a deep dive into issues from across the housing sector.

However we want to do more.

To ensure our content is tailored to your needs, we are asking you for your opinion on Property magazine in a members’ survey designed to find out more about what you enjoy and what you would like to see more of.

The survey will ask questions about how often you read the magazine, your likes and dislikes and the quality of the editorial and commercial content, and should take less than 10 minutes to complete.

There will be three £50 John Lewis vouchers on offer for three lucky respondents, with winners to be drawn at random in an anonymous raffle once the survey has closed.

We’d love you to get involved to help us ensure the magazine continues to reflect the needs of you and your businesses, while showcasing the great work the association is doing on your behalf.