The NRLA has endorsed a letter submitted to the Treasury by think tank E3G, which calls on the Government to introduce new financial support, to help private landlords improve the energy efficiency of their properties.
According to the letter’s signatories, with around one in four households in the private rental market in fuel poverty, it is crucial that the Government bring policies into effect which incentivise landlords to improve their rental properties’ energy efficiency.
The letter, signed by Coventry Building Society, Citizens Advice, and Nationwide Building Society, states that “simple tax restructuring to allow energy performance management to be offset against rental income could help make investment more attractive for landlords”.
Implementing policies of this kind will give more landlords the chance to ensure their properties improve their Energy Performance Certificate rating.
In the view of the letter’s supporters, the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s Autumn Statement is the opportune moment to adopt this new approach, given that positive measures in this area could help lower bills for tenants whilst improving standards across the market.
Expressing his support for the letter’s call to action, Ben Beadle, Chief Executive, National Residential Landlords Association said:
“We all want to see rental properties become as energy efficient as possible, but it is crucial that Government sets out a clear strategy and realistic time frame on how landlords can make this happen. Ministers must assemble a clear, workable financial package to give landlords confidence and clarity as a matter of urgency”.
View the letter.