Detailed inventories are vital when it comes to protecting yourself as a landlord, giving an accurate record of the state of a property at the outset of the tenancy.
When it comes to carrying out inventories, do you do this yourself or do you employ a professional to do it for you?
The NRLA is asking what you prefer for our next ‘Big Question’ feature in NRLA members’ magazine, Property.
Each edition explores a topical issue related to renting, to find out more about your thoughts, opinions and experiences.
Perhaps you do your own inventory and have done so for many years. Or perhaps you choose to hire a professional to do this on your behalf, or a letting agent. Does it vary for each tenancy? Do you use photographs, or video as well?
Whatever your story, we are keen to hear from you to find out a little bit more about what you do and why.
Get involved
If you are interested in contributing please email [email protected], and take part in our poll on this subject.
To use your comments we will need a short quote outlining your opinions or experiences and a small head and shoulders photograph for use in the magazine.
To share your views on this subject, please take part in our short poll! The answers will be revealed in the next edition of Property magazine.