The NRLA is urging members to write to their MPs to explain the impact of the Government’s new proposals on rental reform.
More than 100 of you have already done just that – and the association is now asking more to get on board.
The NRLA is lobbying the Government at the highest level, calling for a series of changes to the proposals included in its A Fairer Private Rented Sector White Paper, adjustments that are vital if resulting legislation is to be workable for both landlords and tenants.
However, it is pivotal that individual members support the NRLA’s campaign on the ground, to ensure landlords’ voices are heard.
How do I contact my MP?
There are number of ways this can be done. Whether you write them a letter, email, contact them via social media or meet them in person its vital you add your voice to the campaign to help bring about positive change. You can also refer to our MP engagement toolkit that can be found on our rental reform webpage. This will take you through the process of engaging with your MP step by step.
What do I say?
The NRLA is encouraging members to call for an end to the anti-landlord rhetoric, pitting landlords and tenants against one another. You could also outline , clearly, how the proposals will affect you directly and your ability to continue to provide homes to rent.
Key points could include:
- Concerns plans will leave landlords powerless to tackle anti-social tenants
- The impact of indefinite tenancies on student landlords
- The lack of support for tenants on benefits – and the positive impact that unfreezing Local Housing Allowance rates would have
- A call for the Government to tackle the supply crisis in the PRS and introduce pro-growth taxation policies to support landlords and encourage them to invest
What more can I do?
Another way to influence the political thinking around the White Paper is to ask the leadership candidates questions on issues facing the PRS at one of the many debates and hustings taking place this summer.
While some of these may be for Conservative Party members only, there will be opportunities for members of the public to attend events or submit questions.
Sky News is currently offering audience places for a leaders debate on August 4.
Keep an eye on our social media channels for other opportunities to get involved, and find out more about out campaign by visiting our dedicated rental reform pages here.