Rules on how homes in Wales are rented out will change on July 15 this year, when the Renting Homes Wales Act 2016 comes into force.
The Act will introduce fundamental differences to the way landlords in Wales operate, with all PRS tenancies replaced by 'occupation contracts' and new required terms and rules around repossession.
Under the terms of the act landlords will need to demonstrate they have undertaken training to understand their obligations, with the NLRA approved as a registered training provider.
This is in addition to the requirements placed on landlords under Rent Smart Wales, which require all landlords with property in Wales to be registered and licenced. The NRLA is also registered to provide Rent Smart Wales training.
Course content
Our new course will tell you all you need to know about the changes coming in under the Renting Homes Wales Act 2016, and how to become compliant, with a full list of dates for both in-person and eClassroom courses on offer.
It will cover:
- Key implementation dates
- Landlords and contracts
- Fitness for human habitation
- Termination
- Retaliatory evictions
- Abandonment
On completion landlords will have an understanding of the key principles of the Renting Homes Wales Act 2016 and the changes it will bring, as well what they need to do to comply with the new rules.
Course prices and how to book
The course costs from £100 for NRLA members and £120 for non-members, including VAT.
For a full list of dates for both in-person and eClassroom courses, and to book click here.
Certificates and accreditation
Your certificate will be available to download within five working days upon successful completion of the course. This course also carries 5 core CPD points applicable to the NRLA accreditation scheme.
Find out about NRLA Accreditation by clicking here.