Top stories
Demand for rental housing at a record high
Demand for private rental housing is at an all-time high according to new NRLA research, with 57 per cent of landlords saying they had seen an increase in the third quarter of the year.
Housing Minister in talks with NRLA
Housing minister Chris Pincher met with NRLA Chief Executive Ben Beadle this month to talk about funding to tackle Covid-related arrears and the long-awaited white paper on rental reform.
Free property advertising for landlords trialling new system
Over the past six months the NRLA has been working on something exciting behind the scenes and needs your help to try it out. To find out more about the NRLA Portfolio service click below.
Wales: Landlords welcome £30m homeless fund
A new £30m fund allowing local authorities in Wales to lease private rented sector homes to house the homeless and those at risk of homelessness has been welcomed by landlords.
Blog: Energy efficiency targets and VAT
Could slashing VAT to zero for vital energy efficiency improvements help landlords make homes greener? With new eco targets on the horizon NRLA policy director Chris Norris shares his thoughts.
Member news: Sage advice from landlord Frank
When NRLA member Frank Mason began to jot down some notes on accounting software Sage little did he know his memo would take six months to complete and go on to become a published book.
Blog: Tax planning for rising interest rates
With talk of rising interest rates, Ben Rose, Head of Group Business Development at NRLA recognised supplier Less Tax 4 Landlords shares his thoughts on how to approach tax planning.
NRLA announces new tech partnership with Viewber
The NRLA has joined forces with prop-tech firm Viewber, which creates virtual viewings inspections and tours for landlords, investors and letting agents. NRLA members will now be eligible for discounts.
Blog: Preparing your property as the mercury falls
Head of TDS Adjudication Services, Sandy Bastin, shares some key pieces of advice when it comes to keeping properties protected throughout the winter months.
Listen Up Landlords: Finance update and winter weather
In this month's episode of NRLA podcast Listen Up Landlords we look at the latest on lending and interest rates and what to look out for as the mercury falls.
Your latest local licensing update
Our licensing update this month takes a look new licensing schemes as well as the usual roundup of live consultations for landlords to respond to.
Your training and events update for December
Welcome to your training and events guide for December, including eLearning and eClassroom courses and national and regional webinars.
Help and advice
Call of the month: Tackling condensation
We recently helped a member learn more about what they can do to tackle the issue of condensation on the windows of their rental property following complains from their tenants.
Forum spotlight: Repairing a TV aerial
A member posted on our forum a question about the TV aerial at their rental property, which had become loose during stormy weather. They wanted to know who is responsible for repairs.
TradePoint: How to paint kitchen or bathroom tiles
Are you thinking of giving your bathroom or kitchen space an update? Painting your tiles is a great way to refresh a room, particularly if you're on a budget. Here the experts from B&Q show you how.
Course of the month: Legislation update
Staying up to date with the ever-changing legislation in the lettings industry can be daunting and this month we shine the spotlight on the NRLA's legislation update course.
The initial findings of our new tenants' survey are out. For more information click here.