Top stories
The Queen's Speech and what it means for rental reform
The Queen's Speech revealed a new White Paper outlining the Government’s proposals on PRS reform will be published this autumn. The NRLA has said ministers must ensure plans are workable for landlords and tenants.
Right to rent transition period extended
Changes to right to rent checks, introduced in response to the Covid-19 pandemic will remain in place until June 21. Emergency measures, introduced in March last year, were due to end earlier this month.
Enforcement in Wales 'a postcode lottery'
New NRLA research shows who's hot and who's not when it comes to the enforcement of local licensing rules across Wales. The NRLA is calling for licensing in Wales to be streamlined, without compromising standards.
Exodus from the capital as rents continue to fall
Private sector tenants are leaving London, according to new research carried out on behalf of the NRLA. Landlords with properties in London were the only ones in the country to report demand had fallen at the start of 2021.
Renters' Reform: What will the new white paper include?
What does the recent Queen’s Speech mean for the Renters’ Reform Bill? What will the upcoming white paper contain? Can we expect the Bill this year? Campaigns Officer Alexandra Williams takes a deep dive into the issues.
Listen Up Landlords: TVs Martin Roberts stars
Homes Under the Hammer star Martin Roberts joins us for the latest edition of NRLA podcast Listen Up Landlords and for a chat in members' magazine Property, sharing his tips on property investment and buying at auction.
Mental health awareness week 2021
May included Mental Health Awareness Week, with the NRLA reminding landlords to reach out if they need help. Recent NRLA research showed 40% of landlords believe the pandemic has had an impact on their mental health.
Introducing the NRLA's new recognised supplier scheme
NRLA members often ask where they can source trusted and reliable professionals, for everything from legal services to tax and investment advice. It is with this in mind NRLA has launched its new Recognised Supplier Scheme.
Beginners guide to: Gaining access
The NRLA has introduced a new series of guides for landlords just starting out in the business, giving advice on some of the key topics and issues landlords are facing. Check out our latest guide on gaining access.
Blog: Why its important to consider older renters
With an ageing population and more tenants now renting for longer, Henry Smith, Senior Programme Manager for Homes at the Centre for Ageing Better on why landlords should consider the needs of older renters.
Your latest local licensing update
In our licensing blog this month we take a look at the details of two major new schemes coming into force in London, and the current consultations live across the country inviting landlords’ views.
Your training and events update for June
Your training and events guide for June includes details of our comprehensive eLearning offering and wide selection of eClassroom courses, along with a packed national and regional webinar programme for landlords.
Help and advice
Call of the month: Holding deposits
This month a member gave our expert advice team a call with a question about taking a holding deposit. They asked whether they needed to complete a holding deposit form as part of the process.
Do I go for panels or tiles in my bathroom?
A landlord posted on our forum recently a question about the decor at their rental property. Specifically they wanted to learn more about whether to instal panels or tiles in the bathroom.
TradePoint: How to re-grout your tiles
Grout can can become stained or discoloured over time and re-grouting tiles is a fantastic way to improve the appearance of a tired looking bathroom or kitchen. Here's what you need to do.
Course of the month: Focus on tax
The month we are taking a look at tax – and two half-day courses run by the association, Inheritance Tax and Capital Gains Tax. The popular courses take place over a single day and many delegates take both.
The proportion of landlords willing to let to Universal Credit claimants is increasing year on year according to our most recent survey findings. To find out more click here.