Top stories
NRLA campaigns work hits the headlines
The NRLA has made national headlines in newspapers and on TV and radio following campaigns around the evictions ban and additional support for landlords and tenants affected by the pandemic.
Landlord and nurse left homeless by evictions ban
Landlord and NHS nurse Kelly has been left living in a shed in her parents' garden after being unable to move into the home she rents out due to the six-month evictions ban. She shares her story here.
Blog: Possession and enforcement
A raft of new rules have been introduced following the reopening of the courts, from how to reactivate proceedings to enforcing possession. NRLA senior policy officer James Wood explains the changes.
Rent controls would be a disaster
Proposals by the Mayor of London for rent controls in the capital would be a disaster for tenants. Experts have warned historic controls were a major factor in the decay of much of the inner-city housing stock.
Paul Shamplina: Evictions - the here and now
Paul Shamplina, Founder of Landlord Action shares his thoughts on the latest changes as the courts reopen and what they mean for landlords and tenants.
Notice periods extended in Wales
Landlords in Wales must give tenants six months’ notice by default of their intention to gain possession in most cases until 31st March 2021, it has been announced.
Scottish Government in hardship loan plan
The Scottish Government has announced that hardship loans for tenants will be made available in Scotland to those unable to access other forms of support.
NRLA launches new licensing toolkit
A new licensing toolkit, to help landlords understand and challenge local licensing proposals has been launched exclusively for members of the NRLA.
Wage subsidy will help renters, but more needed
A new job support scheme and an extension of the self-employment income support scheme are among the measures included in Rishi Sunak’s Winter Economy Plan, published yesterday.
NRLA Wales supports new PRS advice line
Landlords and letting agents in Wales can now point tenants struggling with rent, income, or housing benefits in the direction of a new advice service run by Citizens Advice Cymru.
Your NRLA training and events guide for October
With restrictions in place our classroom programme has been put on ice. In the absence of in-person training we have a range of webinars and virtual and eLearning courses on offer.
Your local licensing update for October
This month's local licensing update looks at proposals for new licensing schemes in Liverpool and Charnwood as well as updates on other schemes due to come into force.
Help and advice
Which tenancy agreement do I need?
A member considering investing in HMOs called wanting learn more about the types of tenancy agreements that can be used when you have multiple tenants living in one house.
Joint tenancies - changing the agreement
In our forum spotlight we take a look at a recent question a landlord posted relating to a joint tenancy. It concerns one tenant wanting to have their name removed from the agreement.
Spotlight on: Rent Smart Wales training
The NRLA is an approved RSW training provider and, as the first of the five-year licences come up for renewal, we put the spotlight on the NRLA training offer for landlords and agents.
Tradepoint: How to... clear your gutters
With the weather starting to feel distinctly autumnal, we take a look at how to safely clear debris and dead leaves from gutters to ensure your rental home is ready for the winter months.
New data shows roughly half of landlords earn less than £10k per annum. For more on this research report click here.