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NRLA in talks with Director General for Levelling Up

Rental reform, the proposed landlord register and the growing gulf between supply and demand for privately rented homes were on the agenda when NRLA CEO Ben Beadle met with top housing civil servant Emran Mian. Mr Mian met with Ben to discuss some of the major issues concerning private sector landlords ahead of this week’s Queen’s Speech.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 12/05/2022
NRLA in talks with Director General for Levelling Up

Blog: NRLA win as possession grounds to be strengthened

Today's Queen's Speech saw the UK Government re-commit to a Renters Reform Bill, including the abolition of Section 21 while also strengthening landlords' rights to possession through new grounds. NRLA chief executive Ben Beadle explains what happens next.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 10/05/2022
Blog: NRLA win as possession grounds to be strengthened

Possession grounds to be strengthened as end of Section 21 in sight

Plans to abolish Section 21 repossessions will be brought forward it has been confirmed in the Queen's Speech today. NRLA chief executive Ben Beadle has welcomed the Government's commitment to tackling arrears and antisocial behaviour and will continue to lobby Ministers to ensure other grounds for possessions are fair.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 10/05/2022
Possession grounds to be strengthened as end of Section 21 in sight

Gimme Shelter: tackling flawed logic head-on

This week, following the publication of new research on Section 21 evictions by Shelter, our Chief Executive Ben Beadle wrote to Shelter's CEO, Polly Neate, to challenge the misleading claims set out in their report. In this blog, Ben explains more.

Insights and Opinions Ben Beadle 06/05/2022
Gimme Shelter: tackling flawed logic head-on

Call of the month: Belongings left behind - what do I do?

A member recently called our advice team with a question about what to do with belongings left behind by a tenant who had moved out. Our advice team were able to explain what to do and provided more information about a new guide available for members on this matter.

Call of the Week NRLA Advice Line 05/05/2022
Call of the month: Belongings left behind - what do I do?

Tax Hit to Rental Housing Undermines Government's Home Ownership Ambitions

Government efforts to dampen investment in rental housing are fuelling a supply crisis according to BVA/BDRC research analysed by the NRLA.

Industry News Sam Hunter 05/05/2022
Tax Hit to Rental Housing Undermines Government's Home Ownership Ambitions

How to Prevent Cleaning Disputes at the end of Tenancy

Whilst most tenancies do run smoothly, some will unfortunately result in deposit disputes, causing landlords unforeseen costs, worries and delays. Fortunately, being aware of the common causes of deposit disputes can help landlords avoid common pitfalls. Sandy Bastin of NRLA partner TDS explains more.

Partners and Suppliers Sandy Bastin 05/05/2022
How to Prevent Cleaning Disputes at the end of Tenancy

NRLA challenges Shelter report findings

Following the publication of new research on Section 21 evictions by Shelter our Chief Executive Ben Beadle wrote to Shelter's CEO, Polly Neate, to challenge the misleading claims set out in their report.

Industry News Rhianna Abrey 03/05/2022
NRLA challenges Shelter report findings

Cladding: Building Safety Bill becomes law, NRLA secures funding for many landlords

Following a robust campaign by the NRLA, the UK Government reversed its original suggestion to completely exclude leaseholder landlords from plans for developers to cover the cost of cladding remediation in medium-rise blocks.

Campaigns Meera Chindooroy 28/04/2022
Cladding: Building Safety Bill becomes law, NRLA secures funding for many landlords

Adaptations & the PRS: a clear market failure

This post takes a closer look at one of the key themes from In Focus. There is an increasing need for property adapted for tenants and their family members who have specific needs in order to lead independent lives. There is a generous grant for landlords to cover costs. Many local authorities are willing to help landlords. Yet few landlords have tenants who require adaptations. Why? This post explores some of the issues.

Deep Insight Nick Clay 25/04/2022
Adaptations & the PRS: a clear market failure