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Write to your MP on building safety funding

Members of the NRLA who have been excluded from the Building Safety Act’s leaseholder protections are being urged to write to their MP to support an Early Day Motion that has been tabled on the matter.

Industry News Victoria Barker 07/07/2023
Write to your MP on building safety funding

Minister ‘sympathetic’ to landlord calls on energy efficiency

Landlords’ concerns over delays to energy efficiency plans have been laid before Government minister Lord Callanan. NRLA Chief Executive Ben Beadle had a private meeting with the Minister for Energy Efficiency to express landlords’ frustration at a lack of movement, following a consultation on plans to introduce new minimum Energy Performance Certificate ratings more than two years ago.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 06/07/2023
Minister ‘sympathetic’ to landlord calls on energy efficiency

NRLA landlord conference wins top award

The NRLA’s inaugural Landlord Conference has won Silver in the Best Association Event category of the Conference & Events Awards 2023. The team picked up the award for its hugely successful sell-out 2022 conference, held in Coventry in November last year, beating off competition from a wide range of events from across a variety of trade associations.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 06/07/2023
NRLA landlord conference wins top award

The complete guide to protecting your property from break-ins

Steve Barnes, Associate Director at Hamilton Fraser Total Landlord Insurance, explains seven ways landlords can protect properties from break-ins.

Partners and Suppliers Steve Barnes 06/07/2023
The complete guide to protecting your property from break-ins

Selling a property with physical problems

Damp, subsidence, knotweed? Kirsty Burnham of NRLA property sales partner Movewise shares advice on how to sell a property with common defects or other problems.

Partners and Suppliers Kirsty Burnham 04/07/2023
Selling a property with physical problems

What landlords should look out for in summer heatwaves

The UK has experienced increasingly frequent heatwaves during the summer months, and many of our properties are not equipped to handle such extreme temperatures. In this guide, the Tenancy Deposit Scheme will explore issues landlords face during the summer months, and provide practical solutions to protect your property.

Partners and Suppliers Sandy Bastin 04/07/2023
What landlords should look out for in summer heatwaves

Independent landlords "vital" to a fair rental market Housing Secretary tells NRLA

Housing Secretary Michael Gove has written for the NRLA's member magazine on the pivotal role landlords play in "ensuring a fair and functioning" private rented sector.

Sam Hunter 03/07/2023
Independent landlords "vital" to a fair rental market Housing Secretary tells NRLA

Renters Reform: A deep dive into periodic tenancies

While most of the media attention has been focused on the removal of section 21 notices, the Renters (Reform) Bill makes some fairly radical changes to the structure of the tenancies you will be able to offer. Here NRLA policy manager James Wood takes a deep dive into the issue of periodic tenancies.

Insights and Opinions James Wood 29/06/2023
Renters Reform: A deep dive into periodic tenancies

Housing Secretary Michael Gove MP writes exclusively for the NRLA

In what is a huge coup for the NRLA, Housing Secretary Michael Gove has written exclusively for members in NRLA members’ magazine Property. He says independent landlords are vital to ensuring a fair and functioning private rented sector and provide tenants ‘with flexibility and choice, and the value for money options that go with them’. Read the full story here.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 29/06/2023
Housing Secretary Michael Gove MP writes exclusively for the NRLA

Win for NRLA as Labour u-turns on rent controls

The Labour Party has abandoned plans to introduce rent controls should it come to power, with Shadow Housing Secretary Lisa Nandy admitting proposals could in fact increase homelessness.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 28/06/2023
Win for NRLA as Labour u-turns on rent controls