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The latest articles relating to the private rented sector. Looking for a press release? Head over to our press release section on the blog.

Possession Reform in the PRS: Section 21

Section 21 has provided an important assurance to landlords that they can regain possession of their property in legitimate circumstances. In response to proposed reform, this is the largest ever non-government survey of the PRS. It establishes what Section 21 means to landlords, agents and those supporting the supply of private rented properties.

Special Report Nick Clay 19/07/2019
Possession Reform in the PRS: Section 21

Rent Controls & the PRS

This report documents the experience of cities which have been subject to some form of rent control. The paper highlights the inescapable truth that rent controls simply do not work.

Special Report Nick Clay 28/10/2019
Rent Controls & the PRS

Scottish Tenancy Reform

This report was produced in association with the Scottish Association of Landlords (SAL). The research focused on the nation's recent Private Rented Sector (PRS) reforms. The new system was given a cautious welcome. However concerns about the changes to a landlord's right to regain possession continue.

Special Report Aidan Crehan 18/12/2019
Scottish Tenancy Reform

The need for a Housing Court

Dr David Smith sets out the case for a dedicated Housing Court. Such a court would restore confidence among landlords and tenants. This article first appeared in the FT in February 2020 and is reporduced here with kind permission of the Financial Times.

Deep Insight Dr David Smith 20/02/2020
The need for a Housing Court

Welsh landlords invited to online forums

Landlords from across Wales have been invited to two online forums covering issues affecting the PRS during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Events Sally Walmsley 09/07/2020
Welsh landlords invited to online forums

Blog: NRLA Wales visit Cardiff job centre

At the beginning of March, before the lockdown was announced in England and Wales, our Wales policy officer, Tim Thomas, took up the opportunity to visit a job centre on Charles Street, Cardiff, a busy centre that serves the diverse needs of the Welsh capital. Here Tim writes about what he took away from the visit.

Insights and Opinions Tim Thomas 01/07/2020
Blog: NRLA Wales visit Cardiff job centre

Call of the Week: GDPR Compliance

A member gave us a call recently with a question about GDPR. They are new to the industry and wanted to make sure they are compliant.

Call of the Week NRLA Advice Line 10/07/2020
Call of the Week: GDPR Compliance

Covid-19: Vital arrears advice could keep landlords out of court

Arrears guidance created by the NRLA and with industry-wide backing could help landlords keep tenants in their homes and avoid lengthy court waits. The NRLA, the Chartered Institute of Housing, The Property Redress Scheme, My Deposits, the Tenancy Deposit Scheme and ARLA Propertymark are all backing the new guide to help landlords and tenants come to mutually beneficial arrangements over arrears.

Helpful Tips Sally Walmsley 09/07/2020
Covid-19: Vital arrears advice could keep landlords out of court

Housing and the Summer Statement

Funding for energy efficiency improvements and a temporary cut to Stamp Duty were among the housing announcements included in the summer statement this week.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 09/07/2020
Housing and the Summer Statement

Landlord who grew up in care helps care leavers across Nottingham

Terry Galloway is a landlord and the owner of a property management company in Nottingham. As well as arranging for special days out for children who live in care, his campaigning has recently been instrumental in creating more opportunities for those leaving the care system.

Member Stories Victoria Barker 07/06/2020
Landlord who grew up in care helps care leavers across Nottingham