Industry news

News relating to the private rented sector from both England and Wales, affecting landlords. 

Blog: NRLA calls for Welsh Green Homes Grant

This month the Government introduced Green Homes Grants for homeowners and landlords, but these apply to England only. In this blog NRLA policy officer Tim Thomas writes about the support available for landlords in Wales.

Industry News Tim Thomas 16/10/2020
Blog: NRLA calls for Welsh Green Homes Grant

NRLA Victory as Welsh Government adopts possession reform recommendations

The NRLA is a step closer to securing changes to the possession reform Bill currently progressing through the Senedd after the Welsh Government accepted NRLA proposals.

Industry News Calum Davies 14/10/2020
NRLA Victory as Welsh Government adopts possession reform recommendations

Landlord confidence falls amidst Covid pandemic

Almost two thirds of private landlords in England and Wales expect their rental business to be negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic according to new research.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 12/10/2020
Landlord confidence falls amidst Covid pandemic

Local furlough cash not enough for struggling renters

The NRLA has renewed calls for a financial support package for landlords and tenants in the wake of the Chancellor’s announcement on furlough schemes in local lockdown areas.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 09/10/2020
Local furlough cash not enough for struggling renters

Financial package vital for the survival of the PRS

Calls for a comprehensive financial package for landlords and tenants form the cornerstone of the NRLAs submission to Government ahead of the publication of its Comprehensive Spending Review. The association says the Government must develop a package that provides much greater support for landlords and tenants to ensure that rents can be paid in full and on time.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 08/10/2020
Financial package vital for the survival of the PRS

Warning as landlords hit with £420k bill for flouting planning rules

Landlords have faced a legal bill totalling £421,837 for adapting properties without the proper planning permission – then refusing to revert them.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 06/10/2020
Warning as landlords hit with £420k bill for flouting planning rules

Property Reporter Awards launched with support from NRLA

Businesses from across the property market have a new opportunity to gain recognition for their contribution to the industry as industry publication Property Reporter, has announced the launch of the Property Reporter Awards, proudly supported by the NRLA.

Industry News Victoria Barker 06/10/2020
Property Reporter Awards launched with support from NRLA

Wales Tenancy Saver Loan scheme launches

The Welsh Governments Tenancy Saver Loans, which allows tenants to apply for low-interest, affordable, paid-to-landlord loans to cover their coronavirus-related arrears, launched today. The loan scheme is something the NRLA campaigned extensively for.

Industry News Calum Davies 07/10/2020
Wales Tenancy Saver Loan scheme launches

Prime Minister wrong on rented housing

The Prime Minister is wrong to believe that those in private rented housing are unable to turn the properties they live in into a home of their own. The implication - in his speech today to the Conservative Party Conference - flies in the face of a previous survey of tenants.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 06/10/2020
Prime Minister wrong on rented housing

Today in politics: CIH warns of PRS crisis and Labour pushing for tenant loans

The Chartered institute of Housing has warned more support is needed, claiming the PRS is reaching "crisis point" as Labour pushes the government on plans, put forward by the NRLA, to offer loans to tenants to cover rent payments.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 06/10/2020
Today in politics: CIH warns of PRS crisis and Labour pushing for tenant loans