Industry news

News relating to the private rented sector from both England and Wales, affecting landlords. 

King’s Speech 2024: What’s next for rental reform?

The abolition of Section 21, along with moves to end bidding wars and improve standards are at the core of Labour's new Renters’ Rights Bill, announced in the King's speech this week. James Wood, the NRLA's head of policy takes a deep dive into what we know so far - and what happens next.

Industry News James Wood 19/07/2024
King’s Speech 2024: What’s next for rental reform?

A second bite at leasehold reform

Despite the Leasehold and Freehold Reform Act 2024 receiving Royal Assent just two months ago, further reforms are back on the table following an announcement in the King's Speech this week.

Industry News Eleanor Bateman 19/07/2024
A second bite at leasehold reform

English Housing Survey: Eight in ten private renters satisfied with rented accommodation

Private renters are more satisfied with their accommodation than those in the social rented sector, according to new data published today. According to the English Housing Survey, 82 per cent of private renters were satisfied with their accommodation, compared to 74 per cent of those in the social rented sector.

Industry News NRLA Communications Team 18/07/2024
English Housing Survey: Eight in ten private renters satisfied with rented accommodation

English Housing Survey: eight in ten private renters satisfied with rented accommodation

In light of the English Housing Survey's (EHS) publication earlier today, the NRLA has highlighted how a large majority of private tenants are satisfied with their rental properties according to the report's findings.

Industry News NRLA Communications Team 18/07/2024
English Housing Survey: eight in ten private renters satisfied with rented accommodation

Rental reform must work for tenants and responsible landlords

A Renters’ Rights Bill will be introduced to parliament by the newly-elected Labour Government, it was revealed today. The announcement was made in the King's Speech, which outlines the Government's priorities for the coming year and reiterated its commitment to ending Section 21, so-called ‘no fault’ repossessions.

Industry News NRLA Communications Team 17/07/2024
Rental reform must work for tenants and responsible landlords

Rental reform must work for tenants and responsible landlords

The NRLA has issued its response to the King's Speech, which confirms that a Renters' Rights Bill will be brought before parliament in due course.

Industry News NRLA Communications Team 17/07/2024
Rental reform must work for tenants and responsible landlords

Burnham to launch Good Landlord Charter

Greater Manchester mayor Andy Burnham said he is ready to launch Greater Manchester’s Good Landlord Charter, with landlords now able to register interest in the scheme.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 16/07/2024
Burnham to launch Good Landlord Charter

Common ground on students as NRLA meets with London housing boss

The inclusion of a potential possession ground for student landlords as part of rental reform plans could be backed by the Greater London Authority (GLA). NRLA Policy Director Chris Norris met with GLA’s housing deputy mayor Tom Copley this week to discuss the future of the private rented sector (PRS) and potential reforms, following Labour’s overwhelming election victory last week.

Industry News Sanjeev Shetty 12/07/2024
Common ground on students as NRLA meets with London housing boss

Possession claims and safety certificates: protecting yourself

Section 21 notices provide landlords with confidence they can regain possession of their properties; however simple oversights such as a mistake in the paperwork can invalidate them. NRLA Policy Manager James Woods examines recent legal cases impacting landlords, and reminds you of the importance of checking - and double checking - documents.

Industry News James Wood 12/07/2024
Possession claims and safety certificates: protecting yourself

The Big Read: What does a Reeves’ Treasury have in store for landlords?

The UK has its first Labour Chancellor of the Exchequer in 14 years, and its first ever female Chancellor in Rachel Reeves. NRLA Policy Director Chris Norris explains what this could mean for landlords and pro-growth tax changes that would help landlords and tenants.

Industry News Chris Norris 12/07/2024
The Big Read: What does a Reeves’ Treasury have in store for landlords?