Industry news

News relating to the private rented sector from both England and Wales, affecting landlords. 

NRLA launches new eLearning platform: Free course for all members

To celebrate the launch of the NRLA’s new eLearning platform, members can access one of our courses for free.

Industry News Victoria Barker 13/03/2024
NRLA launches new eLearning platform: Free course for all members

International Women’s Day: NRLA celebrates female landlords

It was a capacity crowd at the NRLA’s inaugural celebration of women in property held in London today. The event, organised to mark International Women’s Day, welcomed female landlords, agents, developers and investors to enjoy afternoon tea, listen to inspiring landlord stories, network and share their experiences of what is all too frequently considered a male dominated industry.

Industry News Sally Walmsley 08/03/2024
International Women’s Day: NRLA celebrates female landlords

Lets with pets: What you need to know

Is the risk of renting to pet owners inflated? Following the publication of a new report by Battersea Cats and Dogs Home considering the importance of pet-friendly renting, Senior Campaigns and Public Affairs Officer, Eleanor Bateman, explores the issues.

Industry News Eleanor Bateman 08/03/2024
Lets with pets: What you need to know

NRLA: Budget 2024 fails to deal with PRS supply crisis

Today's budget has failed to introduce the pro-growth measures needed to help tackle the current housing crisis. Chancellor Jeremy Hunt MP announced a number of changes which will affect landlords, but failed to introduce bold proposals - such as changes to stamp duty and the reintroduction of mortgage interest relief - that could encourage landlords to stay in the sector and continue to invest.

Industry News NRLA Communications Team 06/03/2024
NRLA: Budget 2024 fails to deal with PRS supply crisis

Budget fails to tackle housing crisis

Following its delivery by Chancellor Jeremy Hunt MP in the House of Commons earlier today, the National Residential Landlords Association has responded to the key aspects of the 2024 Budget.

Industry News NRLA Communications Team 06/03/2024
Budget fails to tackle housing crisis

Landlords respond to reports of holiday lets tax raid

Responding to reports that the Chancellor is considering increasing taxes on holiday let accommodation, Chief Executive of the NRLA Ben Beadle says that the Chancellor needs to address the chronic shortage of long-term rentals by attracting new landlords to the market, and squeezing holiday lets is not the answer.

Industry News NRLA Communications Team 04/03/2024
Landlords respond to reports of holiday lets tax raid

Budget must fix broken housing benefit system

Warning comes as almost a million private rented households have a gap between housing benefit payments and the rents they pay.

Industry News NRLA Communications Team 01/03/2024
Budget must fix broken housing benefit system

Budget must fix broken housing benefit system

Warning comes as almost a million private rented households have a gap between housing benefit payments and the rents they pay.

Industry News NRLA Communications Team 01/03/2024
Budget must fix broken housing benefit system

Budget 2024: What can we expect to see?

The Chancellor is due to deliver his Budget on 6 March 2024, less than four months after last year’s Autumn Statement. In what could be the last financial statement before a general election, Senior Campaigns and Public Affairs Officer, Eleanor Bateman, considers what the Chancellor’s plans might include as well as what the NRLA wants to see.

Industry News Eleanor Bateman 01/03/2024
Budget 2024: What can we expect to see?

Government needs to get on with rental reform changes

Further to the publication of a BBC News report suggesting that the Government plans to amend the Renters (Reform) Bill shortly, the NRLA has issued a statement calling for greater clarity on any proposed changes to the legislation.

Industry News NRLA Communications Team 29/02/2024
Government needs to get on with rental reform changes