Articles by Sandy Bastin

How to avoid gardening disputes

In the summer months, some tenants will be planning on spending time outdoors in the garden if the weather is good. In this article first published in our Residential Property Investor magazine, we take a closer look at the issue of gardening related disputes. Sandy Bastin, Head of TDS Adjudication Services at Tenancy Deposit Scheme (TDS), explains how to avoid being led down the garden path and come out of a gardening-related dispute smelling like roses.

Helpful Tips Sandy Bastin 19/08/2019
How to avoid gardening disputes

Blog: Fair wear and tear - what landlords need to know

Every landlord expects a general level of deterioration in a property over time when renting to tenants. However, when it comes to assessing conditions at end of tenancy, what is considered fair wear and tear and when can you make a deposit deduction claim? In an exclusive blog Head of TDS Adjudication Services, Sandy Bastin explains.

Insights and Opinions Sandy Bastin 23/11/2020
Blog: Fair wear and tear - what landlords need to know