Articles by Nick Clay

PRS recovery: still sustained... still weak

Whilst the IPHRP - the ONS's measure of price growth in the PRS continues to grow. The RLA argue price growth is fragile and weaker than in the wider economy.

Deep Insight Nick Clay 19/09/2019
PRS recovery: still sustained... still weak

Capital Gains Tax & the PRS - negative impacts on the property market

Research which reports on the impact of Capital Gains Tax. CGT traps landlords into holding property longer than planned. In doing so, the tax holds back a functioning property market. The tax reduces property investment as well as the volume of properties available to purchase.

Deep Insight Nick Clay 22/10/2019
Capital Gains Tax & the PRS - negative impacts on the property market

Buy-to-Let figures highlight nervous mood among landlord-entrepreneurs

This post presents Bank of England data on the volume of residential loans to individuals. It provides an overview of overall volumes and the proportion of advances issued in the Buy-To-Let (BTL) market. The 2019 Quarter 3 data - published before Christmas - reflect our caution on the outlook for the PRS and investment in BTL.

Deep Insight Nick Clay 08/01/2020
Buy-to-Let figures highlight nervous mood among landlord-entrepreneurs

Rent controls - evidence says "no"

Across Western Europe and North America there is continued interest in applying rent controls in the Private Rented Sector (PRS). This post looks at our report on the experience of rent controls in Europe and the USA. Rent control policies where they exist have not slowed down rent growth - indeed the opposite may be true.

Deep Insight Nick Clay 28/10/2019
Rent controls - evidence says "no"

Landlord Confidence Index (LCI) No.1: 2019 Q1

This is the first Landlord Confidence Index (LCI). It is drawn from our quarterly survey series - State of the PRS. It provides a snapshot of landlords current atitudes, motivations and behaviours in respect of their landlord business and the Private Rented Sector (PRS) in general.

Landlord Confidence Index Nick Clay 30/06/2019
Landlord Confidence Index (LCI) No.1: 2019 Q1

Landlord Confidence Index (LCI) No.2: 2019 Q2

This is a full draft version of the forthcoming Landlords' Confidence Index (LCI). It aims to provide a snapshot of Landlord confidence. It is being produced at a time when landlords face pressure from governments. Tax changes, regulation change and the threat of adverse legal reforms are now threatening the supply of homes in the Private rented Sector.

Landlord Confidence Index Nick Clay 10/09/2019
Landlord Confidence Index (LCI) No.2: 2019 Q2

Landlord Confidence Index (LCI) No.3: 2019 Q3

This is the first full edition of the RLA's Landlord Confidence Index (LCI). The LCI provides a snapshot of the actions and likely future response of landlords to the current market environment. The LCI is drawn from a national (England & Wales) survey of around 2,000 landlords.

Landlord Confidence Index Nick Clay 19/11/2019
Landlord Confidence Index (LCI) No.3: 2019 Q3

Landlord Confidence Index (LCI) No.4: 2019 Q4

Whilst the 2019 Q4 Landlords' Confidence Index (LCI) shows some improvement in optimism, it is relative. The proportion of landlords feeling less optimistic continues to be greater than those feeling more optimistic. 2019 was a year in which landlords took a battering from the legislature, and 2020 is not yet likely to offer any respite.

Landlord Confidence Index Nick Clay 12/02/2020
Landlord Confidence Index (LCI) No.4: 2019 Q4

Landlord Confidence Index (LCI) No.5: 2020 Q1

This is the Quarter 1 Landlord Confidence Index. It considers the motivations, behaviours and key decsisions landlords are taking. It provides a barometer of supply side confidence in the Private Rented Sector.

Landlord Confidence Index Nick Clay 01/05/2020
Landlord Confidence Index (LCI) No.5: 2020 Q1

From ideas to reality: longer term tenancies and rent stabilisation

The duration of tenancies in the PRS is growing across age groups. So too is the profile of landlords. Recent research by the LSE looks at how these factors highlight the inadequacies of the current landlord-tenant relationship. There is an argument for reform, but only when backed up by proper enforcement.

Special Report Nick Clay 07/01/2020
From ideas to reality: longer term tenancies and rent stabilisation