Industry News Sally Walmsley 03/11/2022

NRLA CEO meets with new Housing Minister

Within days of her appointment, NRLA Chief Executive Ben Beadle has met with Felicity Buchan MP – the new Minister for rough sleeping and the PRS.

The Minister, who will be giving the keynote speech at the NRLA’s inaugural conference in Coventry this month, met with Ben to discuss landlords’ concerns ahead of this afternoon’s Parliamentary debate on the PRS.

Top of the agenda were the NRLA’S five key asks around rental reform, calling on the Government to:

  • End the anti-landlord rhetoric and back the majority of landlords providing good quality home to rent
  • Address issues that will arise in the student market as a result of plans to introduce indefinite tenancies
  • Come up with firm principles as to how councils and police can support landlords to tackle anti-social tenants quickly and effectively
  • Reform the courts BEFORE Section 21 powers are removed to tackle lengthy waits for possession
  • Abolish local licensing once the new property portal is introduced

The association believes that unless these issues are resolved now – while proposed legislation is still under development – they could lead to major issues with the supply of homes to let further down the line.

Ben Beadle said: “It was a very positive meeting. We have been working closely with Felicity Buchan in recently months given her large PRS constituency in Kensington. I was pleased that she had read our briefing on the issues facing private sector landlords at present and was receptive to our concerns, particularly those around anti-social behaviour, student tenancies and court reform.

“I look forward to welcoming her to The Landlord Conference on November 15, where she will give the keynote address and answer questions put to her on behalf of our landlord members.

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Sally Walmsley

Sally Walmsley Magazine and Digital Editor

Sally is the Magazine and Digital Editor for the NRLA. With 20 years’ experience writing for regional and national newspapers and magazines she is responsible for editing our members' magazine 'Property', producing our articles for our news site, the weekly and monthly bulletins and editorial content for our media partners.

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