Industry News Sally Walmsley 16/07/2024

Burnham to launch Good Landlord Charter

Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham said he is ready to launch Greater Manchester’s Good Landlord Charter, with landlords now able to register interest in the scheme.

The Charter is essentially a form of accreditation, which will see landlords sign up to maintain certain standards in their rentals. 

The Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) has set out what it says are the seven core principles of good renting: 

  • Affordable – tenants should understand how their rent and other charges are set and should not be overcharged 

  • Safe and decent – tenants should be able to live free from physical or psychological discomfort in their home 

  • Responsive – landlords should respond satisfactorily to requests for repairs, correspondence and complaints 

  • Well managed – landlords or managing agents should be competent 

  • Inclusive – no tenant should have a worse experience because of who they are 

  • Private and secure – tenants should be free to enjoy their home and make it their own. 

  • Supportive – tenants should have essential information and extra support if required 

The NRLA, which has its own accreditation scheme for landlords, has backed the principle of the scheme – to raise standards in the PRS – however it recognises some landlords will need support when it comes to making improvements, particularly those with older properties that are the most challenging to upgrade when it comes to energy efficiency measures, for example. 

The association also called for better enforcement to root out the rogue landlords giving the sector a bad name, with recent research from the NRLA showing levels of enforcement vary hugely depending on where you live, with good, targeted enforcement benefiting landlords and tenants. 

Property Check

Burnham has said that enforcement capacity will be boosted in the Greater Manchester area, with all renters given the right to a 'Property Check'. While there is little detail at present as to what this will entail, he has said it will be carried out by ‘local expert teams and followed up by action if necessary’.  

Making the announcement he said: “The Greater Manchester Good Landlord Charter will put power back into the hands of renters, along with developing a new right to a Property Check, while supporting and recognising the landlords who go above and beyond.” 

The GMCA has said landlords who register early will be given the opportunity to have their say on how the Charter is implemented and help develop the support offer to landlords and the approach to assessment. 

It also plans to explore options as to potential incentives for landlords who sign up to the scheme.

Landlords can register their interest here. For more detail on the scheme click here

Sally Walmsley

Sally Walmsley Magazine and Digital Editor

Sally is the Magazine and Digital Editor for the NRLA. With 20 years’ experience writing for regional and national newspapers and magazines she is responsible for editing our members' magazine 'Property', producing our articles for our news site, the weekly and monthly bulletins and editorial content for our media partners.

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