Property Standards and Safety

What we will cover:

  • The Housing Health and Safety Rating System, Housing Act 2004 - the Local Authority risk based approach to assessing properties for hazards 
  • Dampness - rising and penetrating dampness and condensation.  
  • Heating and thermal insulation; central heating versus point heating; gas versus electric; double glazing, loft insulation and wall insulation; cost of heating 
  • Glazing in rented premises, where safety glass must be installed, location and standards for windows; security versus fire exits 
  • Security - general, doors and windows; security v fire exit 
  • An outline of fire, gas, water including Legionella and electrical safety (For a more detailed insight into requirements around utility services see our Utilities Outline course) 
  • Techniques to reduce the likelihood of trips and falls 
  • Overcrowding and responsibilities
Who's it for?Landlords and Agents
CPD Points Awarded4 standard


  • Understand your legal obligations as a landlord relating to property conditions and the actions available to the authorities and tenants should you fail to meet these
  • Recognise the hazards associated with dwellings and the significance of maintenance, disrepair, design and construction of the property
  • Have the knowledge to judge the relevant importance of hazards on occupiers and tenants
  • Understand what standards a rental properties must meet in order to reduce a hazard's impact and comply with the law


The Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018 came into force on 20th March 2019 and fundamentally affects the liability of landlords for property standards. The Act requires accommodation to be safe, healthy and in good repair. Landlords can now be taken to court by their tenant if the premises is deemed unfit to live in. Repair is still important, but premises in good repair can still be unfit because of the presence of one or more of the 29 stated hazards which the new Act focuses on. Landlords must have a good understanding of the hazards, particularly if considering possession action as counterclaims for unfitness can be now be brought. 

Unravel the details of The Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) which is used to assess whether homes meet the criteria. We'll walk you through a typical dwelling, outlining the most common hazards and how to deal with them and investigate issues which landlords and agents may fail to consider in relations to property standards 

This training course qualifies for 5 continuous professional development (CPD) points which can help towards or maintain your accreditation with the NRLA. If you are interested in becoming an accredited landlord with the NRLA, CPD points are necessary to achieve that status. 

NRLA Accreditation recognises landlords who have agreed to maintain professional standards in the management and maintenance of their rented property and deal fairly and professionally with their tenants. Accredited members demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of their responsibilities and obligations and strive to maintain, increase and improve their knowledge of the market through training and development. CPD points are awarded for all activities which improve those attributes and are a requisite of membership of the NRLA Accreditation Scheme.  

For more details visit the accreditation section on the website. 

Suitable for

  • All landlords
  • All agents
  • Property managers