No Letting Go Inventory Supplier for NRLA Members

No Letting Go are the preferred inventory supplier for NRLA members. We provide highly detailed property reports with digital photography and a fast turnaround - all produced on the latest inventory software.

Our reports include inventories, tenant check-ins, mid-term visits, and checkouts throughout the UK. The reports are conducted by highly trained, qualified assessors giving you peace of mind that the reports will stand up to scrutiny in the event of a dispute.

Why use independent inventory reports to protect your properties?

  • Professional reports are one of the best ways to protect a property whilst helping landlords meet their legal obligations
  • Independent reports help to set expectations and have proved to be a powerful took in minimizing end of tenancy disputes
  • No Letting Go has vast experience in helping landlords save hundreds of pounds on bills for damages that were not their fault.  Our reports detail both the condition and content and comply with the deposit scheme guidelines.
  • Reports provide the main evidence to adjudicators in the event of a dispute
  • Compliance data for smoke, CO alarms and furniture regulations provided
  • Assessors are trained to ARLA property mark standards and are fully insured
  • Discounted prices for NRLA members


The importance of an independent inventory

If you are a landlord, then enlisting the support of a qualified inventory specialist can save you time and hassle as there can be no question of bias. A professional service means that your report will be fair and accurate, and is less likely to have important points missed off. It can also ensure that any disputes at the end of a tenancy do not get personal, and are resolved fairly. NRLA Recognised Supplier, No Letting Go gives us 10 reasons why you should use an independent inventory firm.

Partners and Suppliers Sally Walmsley 24/02/2023
The importance of an independent inventory