Industry News Sally Walmsley 30/10/2019

RLA election manifesto: a positive vision for the PRS

With a General Election set for December 12, the RLA has published a six-point manifesto unveiling a positive vision for the private rented sector.

Too much attention is given to the idea that the sector is a problem which requires management.

Instead the RLA argues that what is needed is a positive, ambitious programme for the sector which supports tenants and good landlords whilst rooting out the crooks who have no place in the sector.

The RLA’s manifesto for the private rented sector encourages political parties to build on the positive developments in the market.

Tenant satisfaction

This includes 84 per cent of private tenants being satisfied with their accommodation (a higher proportion than the social sector), that private tenants have been living in their current properties for an average of over four years and that 88 per cent of private tenancies are ended by the tenant.

Over recent years the private rented sector has become an important source of housing for growing numbers of families with children, older people, the homeless and students and young people who need to swiftly access new work and educational opportunities.


Among the RLA’s key proposals are improving access to justice for tenants and landlords when things go wrong by developing a housing court, supporting vulnerable tenants by ending the Local Housing Allowance cap and ensuring councils have the resources to find and root out criminal landlords using the wide range of powers they already have.

With warnings of noticeable rent rises as a result of the demand for private rented housing outstripping supply, the RLA is calling on all parties to boost supply by scrapping the Stamp Duty levy on additional properties where landlords provide homes adding to the net supply of housing.

It calls also for a rejection of all forms of rent controls which the RLA argues would serve only to dry up the supply of homes to rent, reducing choice for tenants and thereby increasing rents overall. 

Good relationships

David Smith, Policy Director for the RLA, said: “For too long we have let the actions of a minority of landlords who bring the sector into disrepute dictate the debate around rented housing. Whilst we must find and root out such people we cannot let it distract from the positive news in the sector.

“The vast majority of landlords and tenants enjoy good relations, with many tenants staying long term in their rental properties.

“It is important that we build upon this record, ensuring pro-growth policies to ensure a sufficient supply of homes to rent, supporting vulnerable tenants and ensuring tenants and landlords can access justice more quickly if things do go wrong.

“We call on all parties to accept our positive, pragmatic programme for the sector and end the unnecessary scaremongering which is causing many tenants to live in fear.” 

A copy of the manifesto has been sent to all the main political parties ahead of the election.

A members’ toolkit is also being developed, to support landlords in lobbying local candidates.  

Sally Walmsley

Sally Walmsley Magazine and Digital Editor

Sally is the Magazine and Digital Editor for the NRLA. With 20 years’ experience writing for regional and national newspapers and magazines she is responsible for editing our members' magazine 'Property', producing our articles for our news site, the weekly and monthly bulletins and editorial content for our media partners.

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