Industry News Samuel Leeson 25/11/2022

NRLA Campaigns Update: What we are doing for you

This week the Campaigns and Policy Team have been busy meeting with elected representatives and government officials across England and Wales to ensure your voice is heard at the highest level.

Our CEO Ben Beadle hosted a roundtable with Labour MPs in Westminster this week alongside the Chief Executive of Crisis, Matt Downie. The event focused on the proposals in the Rental Reform White Paper and provided an opportunity for Labour MPs to outline their vision for the private rented sector (PRS).

At the event, Ben reiterated that any strategy the Labour Party adopts for the PRS must command the confidence of responsible landlords and should ensure that rogues have no future in providing housing.  

In other news, after successfully lobbying peers in the House of Lords, NRLA concerns regarding Local Housing Allowance and rent controls were all referenced in a debate on the Renters’ Reform Bill. Notably, Lord Carrington echoed our worries about the capacity of the courts to undertake justified evictions if Section 21 is repealed.

Elsewhere, our Wales Operations Manager Steven Bletsoe, provided evidence to the Senedd’s Local Government and Housing Committee, as part of three evidence sessions on homelessness.

In the session, Steven informed members of the Committee about the current levels of supply in the PRS in Wales, citing NRLA research showing the extent of the lack of private homes to rent.

He also stressed the importance of establishing a Welsh Housing Survey, highlighting that there is a lack of depth and breadth when it comes to understanding the PRS in Wales.

Get Involved

The Campaigns and Public Affairs Team hosted an interactive webinar this week on its campaigning work and how to get involved.

For those who could not attend, the team have made the resources shared with attendees available on our website.

To access these and understand more about why you should lobby your MP click here.

More Information

  • To find out more about the NRLA’s Rental Reform Campaign and key asks, click here
  • To access the video and transcript of the Senedd’s Local Government and Housing Committee, click here
Samuel Leeson

Samuel Leeson Campaigns and Public Affairs Executive

Samuel Leeson is the NRLA’s Campaigns and Public Affairs Executive. He joined the NRLA in 2022, having completed his Masters’ at the University of Amsterdam. Samuel supports the Campaigns and Public Affairs Team in developing key projects and campaigns, working with stakeholders across the housing sector.

See all articles by Samuel Leeson