Industry News Sally Walmsley 10/09/2024

Renters’ Rights Bill to be published today

The Government's new Renters’ Rights Bill will be published later today.

NRLA Chief Executive Ben Beadle met with housing minister Matthew Pennycook and his ministerial colleague Baroness Taylor of Stevenage yesterday along with other stakeholders for a briefing about the contents of the Bill, which the Government says will ‘give greater security and protections for 11 million renters’.

The Government announced plans to overhaul the way the PRS operates in the King's Speech, earlier this summer; reiterating its commitment to ending Section 21 – so-called ‘no fault’ repossessions – ending rental bidding wars and improving safety and standards in rental homes.  

Speaking ahead of publication Ben said landlords need clarity and stressed the need for change to be phased in to allow for a smooth transition, with the Bill marking the biggest change to renting homes in decades.

He said: “Plans to reform the private rented sector have been on the table for over five years now.

“Above all, renters and landlords need certainty about what the future looks like. Whilst we await the precise details of the Bill, it is vital that it works, and is fair, to both tenants and landlords.

“The end of Section 21, ‘no explanation’ repossessions represents the biggest change to the sector for over 30 years.

“Once the Bill is passed, it is vital that sufficient time is provided to enable the sector to properly prepare. Over 4.5 million households will need tenancy agreements updating, letting agent staff and landlords will need to undertake training and insurance and mortgage providers will need to adjust policies and rates.

“None of this will happen overnight and the Government needs to publish guidance.

Court reform

He also stressed the need for reform to ensure courts do not buckle under the pressure of possession claims that will need to be heard under the new rules.

added: “In addition, ending Section 21 will leave the courts needing to hear possession claims where landlords have a legitimate reason. The cross-party Housing Select Committee has warned that without reforms to ensure the courts process cases much more swiftly, they risk becoming overwhelmed. This will not serve the interests of tenants or landlords seeking justice.”

In respect of plans to improve the quality of rental housing, Ben Beadle said: “Too often the actions of a minority of rogue and criminal landlords have brought the sector into disrepute.

“We therefore support measures to ensure every rental home is of a decent quality, and swift action is taken where standards threaten the health of tenants. However, this all needs to be backed up with robust enforcement by councils.”

Ahead of the Bill’s introduction the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) confirmed it will abolish Section 21 repossession for both new and existing tenancies at the same time, as well as reiterating the commitments it made in the King’s Speech earlier this year.

More information

  • The NRLA will be updating members throughout the day on our news site and social media channels
  • To visit the NRLA’s Renters’ Right Bill hub click here. 
  • NRLA policy and campaigns team is running an exclusive member webinar on 19 September which will take a deep dive into the detail - and what happens next - with insight from NRLA CEO Ben Beadle and other industry experts. You are encouraged to submit any questions to [email protected] and can book your free place by clicking here.
  • The future of the sector in the light of the new Bill will come under the microscope at the 2024 NRLA Landlord Conference on November 6. To buy your ticket click here.

Get expert guidance: Become a member today to stay up to date on the Renters' Rights Bill and get support from the UK's largest landlord association.

Sally Walmsley

Sally Walmsley Magazine and Digital Editor

Sally is the Magazine and Digital Editor for the NRLA. With 20 years’ experience writing for regional and national newspapers and magazines she is responsible for editing our members' magazine 'Property', producing our articles for our news site, the weekly and monthly bulletins and editorial content for our media partners.

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