Industry News Sam Hunter 13/09/2024

Renters’ Rights Bill: NRLA secures blanket media coverage of launch

Throughout this hugely significant week for the private rented sector, the NRLA has been working hard to ensure the ‘landlord’s voice’ is heard loud and clear across UK national, trade and regional media. 

The Bill’s publication marks the start of the Government’s move to make rental reform a reality after an extended period of uncertainty for the market. 

Emphasising that the Government needs to ensure that its proposals strike a balance which work for both landlords and tenants, the NRLA’s CEO Ben Beadle said: 

“Plans to reform the private rented sector have been on the table for over five years now. Above all, renters and landlords need certainty about what the future looks like. Whilst we await the precise details of the Bill, it is vital that it works, and is fair, to both tenants and landlords. You can read the rest of Ben’s statement on the NRLA’s ‘Press Releases’ page here.  

Making an impact across the UK media 

In a coordinated campaign which began in the days leading up to the Bill’s publication, the NRLA secured over 400 pieces of press coverage across national, trade and regional media outlets. In all, the NRLA was featured on a total of 32 occasions in UK broadcasters’ coverage of the Renters’ Rights Bill’s first reading.  

Our key spokespeople, NRLA Chief Executive Ben Beadle, Campaigns & Policy Director Chris Norris, and Deputy Director of Campaigns & Policy Meera Chindooroy, also undertook a total of 12 media interviews over the course of this week. 

Insights from our various spokespeople were covered across a range of outlets, including BBC News, Radio 4 Today (from 01:14:26), LBC, BBC Radio Manchester, Talk TV, Channel 5 and Times Radio. Commentary from the NRLA was also featured in titles such as The Telegraph, The Guardian and BBC Online.  

Next steps 

This work is the first step in our wider campaign to help influence the rental reform agenda by demonstrating how our members provide much-needed high-quality homes in the midst of an unprecedented supply crisis. 

As the Bill makes its way through parliament, we will be campaigning on our members at every step of the legislative process, so stay tuned for further updates on what we intend to do to ensure the Government recognises the vital contribution that landlords make to the housing market. 

If you would like to know more about the NRLA’s campaigning work in relation to media engagement, feel free to email [email protected] and our Communications Team will be happy to provide you with further background.  

Sam Hunter

Sam Hunter Media Manager, NRLA

With over ten years of experience in professional services communications, Sam advises on the NRLA’s media content, external messaging, and the delivery of impactful campaigns.
With an expert understanding of the rapidly changing UK and international media landscape, Sam’s approach to media matters ensures that a clear vision, compelling insights, and high-quality leadership remain at the heart of the NRLA’s campaigns.

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