Industry News Samuel Leeson 11/08/2023

The Renters (Reform) Bill unpacked: Everything you need to know to stay informed

The Renters (Reform) Bill was introduced to Parliament in May 2023, and marks a significant overhaul of the laws governing the private rented sector in England. If implemented, the legislation would fundamentally reform the Housing Act 1998. 

To help you understand more about the Renters (Reform) Bill, the NRLA has produced a factfinder that delves into the core elements of the draft legislation. From proposals to abolish Section 21 to details on the Bill’s implementation, it provides you with a clear outline of the Government’s plans for reform. 

Our factfinder also presents a summary of the association’s recommendations on various aspects of the Bill, offering members an overview of elements of the draft legislation that the NRLA has identified as needing improvement.   

The proposals included reflect the concerns our members have raised with us, as well as our commitment to create a private rented sector that works for both landlords and tenants. To access the factfinder and gain a deeper understanding of the Renters (Reform) Bill, simply click here to download.  

What Next?  

With Parliament in recess for the summer, further developments relating to the progression of the Renters (Reform) Bill are not expected until September.

The NRLA anticipates that the initial debate on the contents of the Bill will take place once the house is back in session. Coinciding with Parliament’s return from recess in September, the NRLA’s Campaigns and Public Affairs Team will host a webinar on the Bill on September 6th, 2023. 

The webinar will cover what the team has been doing since the Bill’s publication and what to expect as it progresses through Parliament. To participate in this informative webinar, you can register by clicking on the following link

Support our Campaigns and Get Involved!  

We are committed to advocating for your interests as landlords at the highest levels of government. 

To discover how you can contribute to our campaigning, take a look at the NRLA’s write to your MP page, where you can find templates letters and our online tool that will automatically find your local MP and ensure your letter follows parliamentary protocol. 

As always, we appreciate your ongoing support and remember, your voice matters, and with your support, we can drive positive change for landlords across the country. 

Samuel Leeson

Samuel Leeson Campaigns and Public Affairs Executive

Samuel Leeson is the NRLA’s Campaigns and Public Affairs Executive. He joined the NRLA in 2022, having completed his Masters’ at the University of Amsterdam. Samuel supports the Campaigns and Public Affairs Team in developing key projects and campaigns, working with stakeholders across the housing sector.

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