Last year Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced he was abandoning plans which would force landlords to pay up to £10,000 per property for energy efficiency improvements.
But although the proposals to introduce a Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard rating of C for all rented homes by 2028 were shelved, it is expected that whoever is triumphant in July's election is likely to revisit the proposals in one form or another.
Now, as part of the NRLA's regular Big Question series, we are asking you about whether you have made any energy efficiency improvements to your rental homes – and why.
Have you started to make improvements to get ahead of the game or are you waiting to find out what any new targets might be before splashing the cash?
Maybe your tenants have asked if they can make energy improvements themselves, or maybe you believe investing in improvements is the right thing to do to keep bills down for you and your tenant?
Let us know
If you are interested in contributing to the feature, please take part in our poll by clicking the button below, or email our editor Sally Walmsley directly at [email protected]
Should you wish to feature in the article, we will need a short comment and a small head and shoulders photograph for use in the magazine.
To take part, please click the button below.