Directors from Leeds-based landlords Sugarhouse are supporting local charity Zarach, offering beds and bedding for children in need.
NRLA members Richard Napier and Charlie Aston teamed up with the charity to provide beds and bedroom sets to families whose children have no beds of their own.
They donated 12 sets including the beds themselves, mattresses, full bedding sets and even pyjamas, following the publication of a report by Barnados which revealed more than a million parents in the UK have given up their beds, so their children have somewhere to sleep.
Richard said: “The fact that there are hundreds of kids without a bed to sleep on in Leeds in this day and age genuinely blows my mind. What Zarach do, day in and day out is incredible, but that this work is necessary in 2020s Britain shows how far we still have to go to combat child poverty.”
Sugarhouse, which houses more than 2,000 students and young professionals in the city supports a different charity each year, and Richard says he thinks it’s important for landlords to get involved as much as they can in the community.
He said: “I feel there is an obligation for landlords to get involved in the area where their properties are. There is still stigma when it comes to being a landlord, people can think we don’t care, and for us nothing could be further from the truth.
Zarach was founded seven years ago by deputy headteacher Bex Wilson, who discovered that many of her students did not have a bed to sleep in. Since then it has delivered 7,000 bed bundles in the Leeds area and is now planning to expand the offer to other areas outside the city.
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