The NRLA has added a new course to its offering this summer, with A Landlord's Guide to Retrofitting launching in July.
This month's course of the month, the training will offer practical advice for landlords on how to lower fuel bills, and tackle damp and mould as well as offering an in-depth look at systems for insulation, heating, ventilation, and renewables.
The course has been devised by Dr Sue Roberts, an experienced Domestic Energy Assessor and Green Deal Advisor, who will explain how landlords can retrofit to meet existing – or new – energy performance requirements, including the different options for heating water.
Delivered virtually, by an NRLA trainer in real time, the first eClassroom course will be held on Wednesday, 10 July.
The course costs £154 for members and £193 for non-members. You can book your place here.
Learn more
A reminder that if you need an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC), you can order one at the click of a button when you use Safe2. Safe2, powered by the NRLA, is a platform designed to help landlords order an array of property certificates with ease. With discounts on all certificates for all NRLA members, order the certificate you need here.
You can also read more about plans for the future of EPCs in this blog from James Kent, NRLA's Chief Innovation Officer and founder of Safe2.
The NRLA’s Training Academy was recently awarded Best Property Education Provider at the Property Reporter Awards, for the third year on the trot. For a full list of the courses on offer visit our training pages here.