Ofgem has revealed it’s looking at plans to introduce a registration scheme for landlords who provide heat and hot water to more than two households in their rental properties.
Landlords who provide heat to two or more units or tenants on separate ASTs within a single property are considered to running a ‘heat network’.
Examples would be landlords who own or manage a property that has a communal boiler or heat pump, as well and those who charge tenants or residents for the heat and hot water they provided in their rental home.
At present some landlords charge residential rates for heating and hot water and others (typically cheaper) commercial rates, as they consider their rental business a commercial operation.
Landlords running heat networks in Scotland will be required to have a licence, and Ofgem wants to introduce a registration scheme in England to regulate the way heat networks are managed, monitored and reported on.
Volunteers needed
The energy regulator is now looking for landlord volunteers to help it determine what needs to be included in its consultation and the people it needs to speak to.
It said the research taking place now will help landlords and building owners understand and meet their obligations when the new regulations are launched.
How do I get involved?
The study will involve a 45-minute interview with researchers and anyone interested in taking part should contact Ofgem at: [email protected]
The NRLA will be responding to the consultation on behalf of members once it is made live.