Top stories
Almost 400,000 jobs reliant on the private rented sector
New research shows smaller landlords in the UK’s private rented sector contribute a huge £45 billion to the UK economy and are responsible for supporting 390,000 jobs. Here NRLA CEO Ben Beadle explains why it is vital the sector continues to grow.
Leasehold reform: Has the legislation lost its way?
With reports the Treasury and Number 10 are blocking the introduction of peppercorn ground rents over fears of the impact on pension funds, we ask whether the Bill will go far enough to support the leaseholders it was designed to help.
Budget 2024: Yet more missed opportunities
The Chancellor failed to introduce bold proposals - such as changes to stamp duty and the reintroduction of mortgage interest relief - to encourage landlords to stay in the sector. NRLA policy and campaigns director Chris Norris explains more.
Call for clarity on rent-to-rent schemes
Landlords need more clarity on rent-to-rent arrangements, with the NRLA calling for better official guidance to prevent landlords falling foul of rogue operators. The association made the comments in response to a Trading Standards consultation.
EPCs are changing: Here's what you need to know
The new Home Energy Model is set to replace the EPC next year. James Kent, NRLA's Chief Innovation Officer and founder of compliance platform Safe2, explains what this means, and why landlords could face higher bills.
Landlords' contribution to the economy and the latest on EPCs
Listen Up Landlords presenters, NRLA CEO Ben Beadle and Richard Blanco, examine new research on landlords' contribution to the UK economy and jobs market, and changes to the way EPC inspections are carried out.
Ofgem exploring new registration plans
Ofgem has revealed it’s looking at plans to introduce a registration scheme for landlords who provide heat and hot water to more than two households in their properties. It is now looking for volunteers to get involved.
All the latest private rented sector news from Wales
Steve Bletsoe, NRLA Operations Manager for Wales talks about his evidence session at the Senedd this month - including a warning on rent controls - and reflects on the recent reshuffle within the Welsh Government.
Do you hold group viewings at your rental homes?
With 11 tenants now competing for each rental property on the market, we are asking whether you hold group viewings when it comes to letting your rental properties? Let us know more about your approach.
Debt Awareness Week 2024: How to support your tenants
The annual Debt Awareness Week campaign, organised by charity StepChange, took place in March, with landlords encouraged to support tenants if they are facing financial difficulties. The campaign is now in its 10th year.
Your latest local licensing update
Senior Policy Officer Samantha Watkin gives an update on licensing news from your area, with councils in Barking and Dagenham, Scunthorpe and Bexley consulting on licensing plans, with a new scheme to come into force in Haringey.
Your training and events update for April
We run through the award-winning NRLA Training Academy's packed schedule for April, including both online and classroom courses. You can also find out more about our virtual and in-person meetings.
Help and advice
Call of the month: Mid-tenancy inspections
Spring is almost here and now could be a good time to arrange an inspections of your properties. A landlord gave our Landlord Support Team a call recently for advice on what to do.
Forum spotlight: Gaining access to a shared kitchen
A member contacted our landlord forum this month with a question about gaining access to their HMO to carry out an inspection in the kitchen, and how much notice to give the tenants.
TradePoint: How to add vinyl tile flooring
Installing vinyl tiles into a bathroom or kitchen space can transform the look and feel of the room. In this blog, NRLA partner TradePoint (B&Q) shares its step-by-step guide to getting it right.
Course of the month: Condensation, mould and damp
Damp, condensation and mould are serious health hazards. This course will provide practical guidance on causes, advice to give your tenants and actions you should take.