Landlord taxation comes under the microscope in the latest episode of NRLA podcast Listen Up Landlords.
Presenters NRLA CEO Ben Beadle and Richard Blanco are joined by Stuart Adam, a senior economist at the Institute for Fiscal Studies, who believes that measures introduced by former Chancellor George Osborne are harming tenants by forcing rents up.
He says that in his opinion the Government should restore the deduction for finance costs in full (mortgage interest relief) and get rid of the additional dwelling supplement in stamp duty, changing the existing tax system to make it fairer for landlords.
With XL Bully attacks and the new Government ban making the headlines in recent months, Samuel Blackhurst from the NRLA's Landlord Support Team talks about some of the calls the association has received on the issue.
And later in the show we are joined by former landlord and letting agent Claire Empson, who has sold her rental properties to invest in a holiday let, and Avril Roberts, Senior Policy Adviser from the Country Land and Business Association. Avril says more and more members, many of whom operate in the agricultural sector, are diversifying into holiday lets to mitigate the impact of Brexit, which has seen them lose important farming subsidies.
More information
To listen to the episode in full click here.
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To read a full transcript of the show click here.
For the latest on the NRLA campaign on landlord tax click here.
For the latest on holiday lets click here.
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