Landlords with properties in Greater Manchester are being invited to take part in two landlord focus groups on Andy Burnham’s Good Landlord Charter plans.
What is the charter?
The Greater Manchester Combined Authority is consulting on plans for a voluntary scheme for landlords who want to commit to higher standards than they are currently required to by law.
It would be the first such scheme in the country and proposes 20 'member criteria', requiring landlords in the private rented and social sectors to offer homes which are affordable, safe, inclusive and well-managed.
Under the plans the Good Landlord Charter will be available to all landlords across the 10 Greater Manchester boroughs: Bolton, Bury, Manchester, Oldham, Rochdale, Salford, Stockport, Tameside, Trafford and Wigan.
As part of the process the GMCA has employed consultants to run focus group with tenants, landlords and agents from the private rented and social sectors to find out more about what they think.
The online focus groups are open to any landlord with a property or properties in Greater Manchester.
What does the NRLA think?
The association backs the principles of the scheme and its aim to raise standards, but said landlords with the hardest properties to improve will need help and support. It has also called for better enforcement to root out the rogue landlords giving the sector a bad name.
The meetings
To register interest to attend one of the online focus groups follow the links below:
- Monday 5th February 2024, 10am – 12pm:
- Tuesday 20th February, 6pm – 8pm:
More information
For more detail about the proposals click here.