NRLA research manager Nick Clay looks at the latest NRLA data, showing tenants of independent private landlords are the happiest with the service they receive.
The NRLA regularly surveys tenants to better understand landlord/tenant relationships and, contrary to common media representations, most landlords and tenants do have a good relationship, something our most recent tenant surveys have started to investigate in more detail.
NRLA research consistently shows tenants of independent landlords value that relationship and rate their landlord highly, with our most recent tenant poll showing this remains the case (see graph).
Almost two-thirds of tenants rate their landlord an eight, nine or 10 out of 10. This is far ahead of those who let through either the business or corporate sector, and also those who let via a letting agency which also manages the property.
On metrics such as responsiveness, maintenance, overall property safety, the independent sector scored very similarly to the other two groups.
However, on one measure independent landlords were head and shoulders above the competition: Among those tenants who gave their landlord a top score, 69% cited “relationship between tenant and landlord” as a key reason for doing so, and it is this that sets private landlords apart.
The personal service you offer your tenants is outstanding. It is also well appreciated and acknowledged by them and why it is so important that we continue to campaign for support for private landlords to encourage them to remain in the sector and continue to invest at a time when we need them more than ever.