Narratives pitting landlords and tenants against each other are depressingly common, both in the mainstream and on social media, with debate about the future of the private rented sector becoming increasingly polarised.
Now, in an open letter to members of the Renters Reform Coalition, made up of a number of tenant groups, including Shelter, Crisis and Generation Rent, the NRLA has called for an end to these supposed hostilities, on the basis that a vibrant and well-functioning private rented sector is the ultimate aim for both parties.
In the letter NRLA Chief Executive Ben Beadle stresses that, with demand for rented homes already well outstripping supply, now is time to find common campaigning ground when it comes to rental reform.
He said: “There are already areas where there is consensus, with both the NRLA and the Renters Reform Coalition calling for an end to the unfair freeze on Local Housing Allowance (LHA) rates.
“Court reform is another area where we believe we can find common ground and have asked members of the coalition to get on board and offer their input into in making a powerful joint call for reforms to the court system to benefit both tenants and responsible landlords.
“We have also asked for feedback on some of the finer points of the Bill to find either common campaigning ground, or at least clarity as to what exactly it is that the coalition wants. These include proposals on possession grounds and pets.
“At the end of the day rental reform must carry the confidence of responsible landlords as well as tenants. After all, greater security for tenants will not mean much if the homes to rent are not there in the first place.
“Landlords and tenants a reliant on one another, and any reform of the sector must be fair to both parties if we are to build a vibrant and robust private rented sector that works for all.”
More information
- To read the letter in full click here.
- For more information about all things rental reform, including the latest information of the passage of the Bill through Parliament please visit the NRLA’s dedicated campaigns page here.