This month’s featured course is Inheritance Tax, Wills and Probate.
For landlords who have built significant assets, a comprehensive understanding of inheritance tax and its reliefs and exemptions is essential when planning for the future.
IHT is levied at 40%, so early tax planning is vital when it comes to protecting your family and preserving your business for the next generation.
The course will explain how inheritance tax is calculated, its processes, reliefs and exemptions and how these can be used to mitigate the impact of IHT, with the trainer using worked examples to illustrate how it is calculated as well as running through key tax efficient lifetime strategies and options.
The course includes information on:
- Concepts and principles of Inheritance Tax (IHT)
- Key reliefs and exemptions and the impact of lifetime planning strategies
- Lifetime gifts to reduce an estate
- Key importance of wills, their validity and resilience
- How to reduce your estate’s liability during your lifetime
- When IHT is due and who is responsible for reporting and paying it
- How an estate is valued on death
- How business structures and planning strategies can mitigate IHT liability for families
- The relationship between CGT and IHT – strategies to manage your IHT
- The use of trusts in managing IHT liability
This is an eClassroom course, delivered live by a trainer virtually, but in real time, an option which also allows you to interact with them and fellow delegates. It is priced from £35 for members and £43.40 for non-members (including VAT).
For further details and to book click here.
This training course qualifies for 3 continuous professional development (CPD) points which can help towards or maintain your accreditation with the NRLA. If you are interested in becoming an accredited landlord with the NRLA, CPD points are necessary to achieve that status.
NRLA Accreditation recognises landlords who have agreed to maintain professional standards in the management and maintenance of their rented property and deal fairly and professionally with their tenants.
CPD points are awarded for all activities which improve those attributes and are a requisite of membership of the NRLA Accreditation Scheme. If you are using the courses as a step towards accreditation you will need to complete the optional assessment at the end of the course.
The successful completion of the assessment may also be required for various licensing schemes. For more details visit the accreditation section on the website.
Training sale
The NRLA is offering a 30% discount on selected training courses until the end of the month. For more information and to browse the full ranges of courses on offer click here.