With prices down on last year's peak and many landlords leaving the sector, there are opportunities for brave buyers. NRLA partner Movewise explains more about its property sales platform.
It's no secret that pressure on the rental sector is pushing growing numbers of landlords to sell up: the latest NRLA Landlord Confidence Index shows 37% are planning to sell property in the coming year.
However, demand for rented property is increasing, boosted by the lack of affordable housing for first-time buyers. The NRLA's own studies, even before the recent market correction, suggested that there is likely to be a shortfall of 230,000 rental properties a year.
In 2022 alone, landlords sold 35,000 more properties than they bought, reducing the supply of rentals even further.
For landlords with cash to invest and a healthy appetite for risk, the current market presents an opportunity. We are not offering financial advice, but the billionaire Warren Buffett once said: "Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful." With many landlords rushing to sell, there are sure to be deals to be had for smart investors.
Movewise is the NRLA's official property sales partner, and shares the association's goal to preserve the supply of property in the private rented sector.
With this in mind, it has created a unique sales platform for investment property, where landlords selling up can market their property directly to other landlords.
There are currently more than 170 properties, both tenanted and vacant, listed on the Marketplace, with prices ranging from £68,000 to £5.25 million, and more are being added all the time.
Some of these are not listed anywhere else. You can view photos, floor plans and details of the tenancies, and search by region, price, yield and date listed.
If you are interested in a particular property, just click through to leave your details with the Movewise property team, and one of their experienced advisors will get in touch. Or if you don't see what you are looking for, register your details to receive updates when a suitable property is listed.
Looking to sell instead?
Movewise can market your property direct to the NRLA's 100,000 members via the Marketplace, but also through any local estate agent in England, Wales or Northern Ireland. By analysing millions of market data points every week, Movewise can pinpoint the agent most likely to sell any property.
The experienced property team will manage the entire sale for you, from valuation right through to completion, giving you a single point of contact whether you are selling a single property or a whole portfolio, with tenants or without. And unlike selling through a sole agent, you won't get locked into an exclusivity period, so you're free to switch estate agents at no extra cost.
Complete the selling enquiry form to find out more – and remember, NRLA members get 10% off Movewise commission fees.