This week the Government, as part of its rental reform plans, unveiled plans to give landlords enhanced powers to deal with anti-social behaviour in the private rented sector.
The move follows extensive campaigning from the NRLA, which has focused on how it is imperative that the Government take the steps necessary to deal with individuals who cause significant disruption to landlords and other tenants. The NRLA welcomes these newly announced Government proposals and has called for greater detail on how they can work in practice.
As part of our wider push to ensure the Government takes into account our members’ views on this subject when drafting rental reform proposals, we mounted a comprehensive media campaign to get our point of view across to key stakeholders.
This week the NRLA’s spokespeople were able to help us achieve national and trade coverage as a result of the statement we issued to media following the announcement.
On Tuesday, NRLA CEO Ben Beadle gave a live interview on Times Radio about the NRLA’s response to the plans. During the feature, Ben said the association welcomed the Government’s plans, stating: “it means the law is on the side of the victims (of anti-social behaviour)”. The interview can be found at the 2hr 47 minute mark via this link. Later on that same day, Ben also gave an interview on Iain Dale’s LBC evening show – an appearance which followed Ben’s appearance on the BBC News Channel to discuss illegal evictions (pictured below).
The NRLA’s statement was also covered by national titles including Mail Online and a variety of trade publications including Property Industry Eye, The Negotiator and Landlord Today.
Meanwhile, separate to this week’s news on the Government’s antisocial behaviour proposals, NRLA Policy Director Chris Norris gave an interview to BBC Radio 5 Live on Tuesday. Chris contributed to a segment on children in rental properties that also featured an interview with Shelter CEO Polly Neate.
During the interview, Chris reiterated that landlords must not discriminate against families with children by having blanket bans. He also added that tenancy applications should be looked at on a case by case basis to ensure properties are suitable for the prospective tenants. The interview can be listened to on demand here, at the 26 minute mark.
Further to Ben and Chris’ appearances on the aforementioned media outlets, NRLA Representative Richard Blanco was interviewed on BBC Radio London concerning moves to curb antisocial behaviour in the private rented sector. Richard also spoke to LBC on the same topic, where he also spoke about the wider issues facing landlords across the market.