The NRLA is partnering with charity Crisis in a ground-breaking project to support landlords who are willing to accommodate homeless households, offering free training, support and insurance as part of a scheme to help those in need.
Latest figures from the homelessness charity show 282,000 single people, couples and families were judged as homeless or threatened with homelessness by local authorities in 2020/21.
In a bid to tackle this, the charity will be working with the NRLA to provide practical support to homeless households and landlords in the private rented sector, to maximise the chances of creating long-term sustainable tenancies.
How will it work?
As part of the scheme, landlords who work with Crisis to provide accommodation will be offered the full support of NRLA membership and training, whilst tenants will be guided by Crisis’ expert housing and support teams.
Landlords who sign up to the scheme will be given a designated point of contact throughout the tenancy and will work with Crisis staff who will match them with tenants suitable for their properties.
Landlords will benefit from free insurance and should there be any issues during the tenancy there will be free mediation services provided.
In coming months, the NRLA and Crisis will work together to make sure that as many clients of Crisis’ Skylight services are able to benefit from this first of a kind partnership. The 11 Skylight centres across England, Scotland and Wales help homeless people to find safe housing and access training, as well as offering wellbeing and safety advice.
Starting in London, the partnership will trial drop-in sessions for landlords and tenants. These sessions will include one-to-one advice with skilled NRLA advisors and tenancy skills workshops to help landlords and tenants establish and maintain tenancies which will provide long-term homes.
Tailored services
Matt Downie, Chief Executive of Crisis, said: “If we have enough secure, affordable properties for people to rent, thousands of people can avoid falling into homelessness.
“That’s why we are delighted to work with the NRLA, drawing on their wealth of experience to support and identify landlords who want to be part of the solution to ending homelessness, while improving the experience for tenants and landlords alike.
“Together we’ll be offering a range of tailored services and advice to landlords, supporting them to take on tenancies, with confidence and security, with people who have previously been homeless.
“This includes a designated point of contact throughout the tenancy, matching the right tenant to the property, mediation and tenancy breakdown prevention and free rental insurance.
“This partnership provides an important opportunity for Crisis and the NRLA to join forces to make the Private Rented Sector a better and fairer place for all involved.”
Ben Beadle, NRLA Chief Executive said the association is keen to work with the charity due to its focus on providing practical support to help households out of homelessness.
He said: “Unlike some housing charities, Crisis works practically to assist homeless individuals to secure homes, get back on their feet and sustain tenancies for the long-term.
“We at the NRLA believe that responsible landlords in the PRS have an important role to play and that by working together we can help end homelessness sooner.”
More information
For more information on the NRLA and Crisis project click here.
You can hear Matt Downie and Ben Beadle talk about the new partnership in the latest episode of NRLA podcast Listen Up Landlords here.