A new starting a tenancy checklist, aimed at helping landlords keep track of everything they need to do when creating a tenancy, has been launched exclusively for NRLA members.
The Starting Your Tenancy checklist, developed by experts within the association, not only supports landlords through the process of setting up a tenancy, it also contains handy information pop-outs on various subjects, so landlords can read up on the legislation and their obligations in more detail.
With penalties high in some cases for failure to do some aspects of the tenancy creation process, the checklist is designed to make it simpler for landlords and give peace of mind.
The virtual checklist is broken up into several sections, which include before marketing the property; at the viewing stage; setting up the tenancy; and a checklist for on the day the tenancy starts.
It can also be saved and revisited later. Once completed, the checklist can be printed from a browser and stored for the purpose of record keeping.
Useful information tabs
Above: Members can click on different information icons to understand more about a specific topic, such as additional detail around energy performance certificates.
More information
- To access the Starting Your Tenancy checklist, click here
- For more information about starting a tenancy, read our guidance for landlords on this topic.