Our licensing update this month takes a look new licensing schemes that have come into force, as well as the usual roundup of live consultations for landlords to respond to.
This month, several local authorities announced new licensing designations.
In the London Borough of Southwark, it was announced that a borough wide additional HMO licensing scheme will come into force on 1st March 2022 and will last for five years.
Doncaster Council also announced recently the designation of the area of Hexthorpe as an area of selective licensing. This scheme is also due to come into force on 1st March 2022.
Finally, Lewisham Council is to also introduce a borough wide additional licensing scheme covering almost all Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs), starting on 5 April 2022.
Licensing support for members
The NRLA recently launched NRLA Licensing Support, powered by Kamma Data, which provides instant and accurate information for members about current and upcoming licensing schemes. To learn more, be sure to watch the video at the bottom of this bulletin.
Landlords can also learn more about property licensing schemes and how to respond to consultations, by visiting the NRLA’s Licensing Toolkit.
Current property licensing consultations
Birmingham City Council – selective licensing (closes 4th Jan 2022)
Birmingham City Council recently launched a consultation on plans to introduce a large selective licensing scheme in the city. Due to the size of the proposed scheme, approval from the Government is required also before the scheme is given the green light. The consultation will run for a number of months, and landlords can read the details of what is being proposed and respond directly here.
Newham - (closes 26th January 2022)
Landlords are being invited to have their say on property licensing proposals in the London Borough of Newham. After two previous rented property licensing schemes, the Council is now considering the possibility of a third scheme from 2023 onwards. To take part in the survey, click here.
Salford – selective licensing (closes 8th February 2022)
Salford City Council has opened a consultation on proposals to designate a Selective Licensing Scheme in parts of the Eccles, Barton and Winton area of Salford. To respond directly, click here