Research - tenant survey results revealed

Around a third of tenants were in recepit of furlough funds during the pandemic according to the findings of the new NRLA tenants survey. 

More than 2,000 private rented sector tenants across England and Wales were interviewed by Dynata on the issue of debt. While a full analysis is currently underway initial findings suggest the economy is slowly getting back to normal - or should we say 'the new normal'.

At the time of going to press no new restrictions had been introduced as a result of the new Omnicron varient, with survey data showing that more than 90% of tenants were back working in what they described as their “pre-pandemic occupation” - although not necessarily identical work and salaries.

The survey was developed at the time when the £20 additional Universal Credit payment was being terminated and tenants were asked whether this made any difference to their ability to pay their rent.  

Around one-in-five tenants, 21%, were in receipt of Universal Credit.  Around a quarter of this group of tenants said the impact of the uplift ending would have a “considerable” or “severe” impact on their ability to meet rent payments. This equates to around 5% of all tenants surveyed. We will continue to monitor the impact of this on rent debt.

One positive take away from the survey is that tenants are showing a preference for renting from smaller private landlords.

When asked about the factors (other than location and price) which determined where they chose to take up a tenancy and live top of the list - unsurprisingly - was a safe and secure home. However more than a quarter of tenants said having an independent landlord is a key determinant in choosing where they live, with more than twice as many tenants prefering an independent landlord to a larger, institutional or corporate operation.