Housing minister Chris Pincher met with NRLA Chief Executive Ben Beadle this month to talk about funding to tackle Covid-related arrears and the long-awaited white paper on rental reform.
The Minister told Ben that he is aware of the importance of private landlords in the provision of the homes to rent, with more and more households looking to the sector for a home.
Ben stressed the need for pro-growth policies to encourage landlords to remain in the sector and the importance of strengthening landlords’ rights when the Government brings forward its proposals for rental reform next year.
These proposals will include a commitment to ending Section 21 repossessions – so-called ‘no-fault’ evictions – and the NRLA has produced its own shadow white paper outlining a workable alternative that would be fair to landlords while protecting tenants.
Ben said: “It was a very useful meeting with the Minister, who agrees that private landlords have an important role to play in meeting the country’s housing needs.
“I made it clear that if landlords are to remain in the private rented sector they need support – and took the opportunity to discuss our shadow white paper, which outlines positive changes that can improve the sector without the burden of increased legislation.
“We also talked about ways to ensure the £65 million of funding that we secured to help tenants pay off Covid-related arrears gets to those who need it most, and will be working with the Department for Levelling up, Housing and Communities to get the message out there.”
More information
To read more about the NRLA’s plans for rental reform click here.
To read more about the £65 million of funding to tackle Covid related arrears click here.
Captions: NRLA Chief Executive Ben Beadle is pictured (left) with Housing Minister Christopher Pincher MP