Top stories
Demand for rented homes at a five year high
The demand for PRS housing has reached a five year high according to new research from the NRLA following the easing of Covid-19 restrictions. Landlords saw demand up 39%.
Warning over impact of benefit cuts
We explain why the Government must publish an assessment of its decision to freeze Local Housing Allowance and cut Universal Credit, which risk pushing households into debt.
Over 65s in the PRS up 45 per cent in a decade
The proportion of private rented households home to someone 65 or above has increased by almost 45 per cent in 10 years according to new analysis of Government data.
Right to Rent: New extension to emergency measures
Temporary changes to Right to Rent checks, introduced to minimise face-to-face contact during the pandemic, will now remain in place until 5th April 2022, the Government has announced.
Afghan resettlement scheme: Landlords urged to help
Landlords with vacant properties in England and Wales are being urged to work with councils to help refugees who need to be urgently re-housed in the UK.
NRLA Podcast: Cladding crisis and remote investing
In this month's episode of Listen Up Landlords we talk about the cladding crisis affecting hundreds of thousands of landlords and look at the pros and cons of remote investing.
Energy efficiency - what's next for landlords?
With the Green Homes Grant scheme scrapped early, landlords have been left asking what next for energy efficiency in the sector as deadlines for ambitious targets loom ever closer.
Welsh survey on rented housing priorities
NRLA Wales is urgently calling on Welsh landlords to respond to a new survey on what the Senedd’s Local Government and Housing Committee’s priorities should be over the next year.
Blog: What to do if a tenant wants breathing space
The Debt Respite Scheme (Breathing Space) came into effect in May this year. Here, Mike Morgan, Legal Division Manager at Hamilton Fraser, explains more about the scheme and how it works.
Blog: Why landlords should consider price/sqft
In this blog Michael Dent, founder of NRLA partner Property Data on the benefits of considering price per square foot when picking out a property to invest in as a buy-to-let.
Your latest local licensing update
Our licensing update this month takes a look at recent NRLA research around enforcement, as well as the usual roundup of licensing news and live consultations for landlords to respond to.
Your training and events update for September
In addition to our comprehensive eLearning offering, we have a wide selection of eClassroom courses to choose from, along with national and regional webinars.
Help and advice
Call of the month: Creating a tenancy
This month a member called looking for general advice around creating a tenancy and how to make sure tenants know about their responsibilities from the outset.
Forum spotlight: Help with the How to Rent guide
A landlord posted on our forum recently with a question about whether they needed to issue the How to Rent guide to their tenant, who had been renting from them for five years. Read what our landlords had to say.
TradePoint: How to paint your kitchen cabinets
Painting kitchen cabinets is a quick and affordable way to update the appearance of your kitchen. In this blog the experts from TradePoint offer a step-by-step guide outlining all you need to know.
Course of the month: Spotlight on safety
This month sees a focus on safety, with the NRLA holding an eClassroom course on Utilities Safety in September and two fire safety eLearning courses; Foundation Fire Safety and Fire Safety for Landlords.
This month we look at exactly what is motivating landlords to buy - and to sell. Read more here.