The pandemic has hit us all hard – and continues to have an impact on many landlords and tenants across the country.
But is not only those who have contracted this terrible virus and their families who are suffering.
The impact of the pandemic and all that comes with it, isolation, money worries, stress and exhaustion have had a devastating impact on mental health across society. And this, of course, includes landlords.
Concerns around paying mortgages and bills as tenants fall into arrears and a lack of targeted Government support for the sector has left some landlords struggling to cope.
Recent research carried out by the NRLA showed 56% of landlords had lost income as a result of the pandemic, with a third planning to sell up, or at least offload some properties.
The NRLA wants to shine a spotlight on these problems and the resulting impact on landlords’ mental health in a feature for members’ magazine Property.
Has your mental health suffered as a result of issues arising from the Covid-19 pandemic? If so we are interested in speaking to you.
To participate and share your views email [email protected]