Our members only forum is a good place to share experiences with other landlords and seek advice.
In our forum spotlight this month, we take a look at a recent question a landlord posted on our forum around carrying out property viewings during lockdown.
The landlord had been contacted by a group of six students who wanted to tour his property with a view to living there during the next academic year. All six students wanted to have the chance to view the property, and the landlord was looking for some advice on how this could be done in a Covid-secure way.
The responses on our Forum
The first person to respond to the member's question was a regular contributor on our forum.
This HMO landlord began by sharing how they have been conducting viewings during the coronavirus pandemic. They said they have been following Government guidance on this matter very strictly, providing gloves and face masks to each prospective tenant before each viewing takes place.
She said that before the viewing she sends the prospective tenant around 40 clear photographs of the inside of the property, with the view to minimising the time spent at the actual in-person viewing.
During the in-person viewing, our landlord said they only allow one person in the property at a time, following social distancing guidelines throughout.
In addition, masks, gloves, handwash and sanitiser wipes are provided in each of the rooms in her HMO, with posters on the importance of thorough handwashing placed in the communal areas.
The landlord said that given many of the tenants in her HMO are working from home, the extra steps she has taken to support them at this time have been very well received.
Another landlord then added their opinion on the thread. They said they have been advising prospective tenants to bring plastic gloves and a face mask with them to use when viewing the property in-person. Similar to the initial forum poster, they also only allow one person in the property at a time during the viewing itself, and maintain a 2m distance between them and the tenant at all times.
A member of our advice team then joined in the conversation.
They confirmed to the original forum poster than they can still conduct viewings at the moment in line with public health guidance, for example ensuring masks are worn and social distancing is adhered to.
No in-person viewings should take place if any party is self-isolating due to the coronavirus. Guidance for landlords on carrying out viewings safely at the moment can be read online here. To read the original forum post, click here.