A new toolkit to help landlords understand and respond to local Article 4 direction proposals has been launched exclusively for NRLA members.
The Article 4 toolkit follows on from the release of the NRLA’s licensing toolkit in the Autumn.
Article 4 Directives allow local authorities to restrict permitted developments in a designated area.
They are often used by councils to control the number of homes being converted into HMOs in places where there is already a high concentration of that type of accommodation.
In areas where a direction is in place, landlords need to apply for planning permission to convert a dwelling into a HMO.
It is estimated there are currently around 80 Article 4 directions in place across England, which can be seen on the interactive map below.
The new toolkit will help members understand the law around Article 4 and offer practical advice on responding to local consultations.
To learn more about the local authorities that are currently consulting on Article 4 directions, read our latest licensing blog.
Licensing update
There are several local authorities that are consulting on licensing proposals at the moment, including Salford, Newcastle and Southend-on-sea. The NRLA aims to respond to all local licensing consultations, and members can learn more about responding by reading our Licensing Toolkit. See below for a list of current licensing consultations.
Middlesbrough: Selective licensing (closes 7th December)
A selective licensing scheme has been running North Ormesby for nearly five years, and the council is currently consulting with residents and landlords on plans to keep the scheme running.
Read the proposals in full and respond directly to the consultation by completing an online questionnaire here.
Tower Hamlets : selective licensing (closes 13th December)
A selective licensing scheme is currently in operation in three areas of this London borough. It is due to end in October 2021, and the council is now consulting on whether the scheme should be renewed, altered or ended. The current scheme as been in operation in Weavers, Whitechapel, Spitalfields and Banglatown since October 2016. To respond directly to this consultation, click here.
Salford: borough-wide additional licensing (closes 5th January 2021)
Landlords with rental properties in Salford are being urged to have their say on plans to introduce a borough wide additional licensing scheme in the city. Under the proposed scheme, all landlords of small HMOs (ones that currently do not fall into the scope of mandatory licensing) would be required to obtain a licence to lawfully let their property out. The consultation on this scheme closes next year. To respond directly, click here.
Southend-on-sea - selective licensing (closes 11th January 2021)
A selective licensing scheme is currently being considered within parts of Southend-on-sea. The areas in question include Milton, Kursaal, Victoria and Chalkwell. As well as a survey for landlords and the community to complete, the council is also hosting a series of workshop for landlords to learn more about the proposed scheme. Respond directly to the consultation by clicking here.
Newcastle: selective licensing (Closes 31st January 2021)
Newcastle City Council is currently consulting on plans to re-designate selective licensing schemes in Byker and Greater High Cross.
The Greater High Cross licensing scheme expired last month, while the licensing scheme in Byker is due to expire next October. More than 880 properties were included in these schemes. To read more about the re-designation proposals and respond directly, click here.
Cheshire East: Article 4 (Closes 11 January 2021)
While this is not a consultation on specific licensing proposals as it is an Article 4 consultation, it will affect landlords so has been included in this round-up. Cheshire East is currently consulting on plans that would make it a requirement for some landlords in Crewe to apply for planning permission to be able to convert a dwelling into a house of multiple occupation (HMO).
The deadline for the consultation was extended due to the coronavirus, and it has now been extended until 11th January. More on the plans and details of how to respond to the consultation can be read online here.